Day 37

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I woke up in a crap mood I hate university so much like it's only the first day back and I'm already tired.

I got up from my bed and hopped in the shower. I missed the bath at home so much.
I put on:

And went to grab a bottle of water from the mini fringe and a granola bar which is the only thing I have left in this dorm

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And went to grab a bottle of water from the mini fringe and a granola bar which is the only thing I have left in this dorm. I should probably go to Walmart and get some stuff.

I went over to desk and packed up my books needed for the day as well as my laptop in case I chill in the library for the day.

I walked out the door and saw lee along the way

Lee: hey bitch
Elle: hey I said while hugging her
Lee: the party over the weekend was top notch girl
Elle: I really didn't even want to have one but the guys forced me
Lee: you 19 nowwwww
Elle: and still don't know anything about my life I said while smiling.
Lee: relax it will come one day
Elle: how was your break
Lee: well I spent some time with pierces family in Florida
Elle: he's from Florida
Lee: Yea couldn't you hear in his voice
Elle: nope not really I said while laughing
Lee: ok I'll see you after class ,in English
Elle:fuckkkkk ok yea

I walked in class just in time before the professor shut the door
Professor Sean: morning Elle
Elle: morningggg I said while smiling

??: you're in a good mood
I turned around to see a girl with long brown hair
??: hi I'm lana she said while smiling
Elle: I'm Elle it's nice to meet you
Lana: please come sit she said while pointing to the seat next to her
Elle: are you new
Lana: nope
Elle: sorry I've just never seen you around I said while giggling
Lana: I was in the other class but the professor made me transfer here she said while rolling her eyes
Elle: well he's really chill and gets distracted quickly so it's for the best
Lana: hopefully

Class Continued boring as usual and Lana gave me her number before leaving
She's really nice and quiet unlike lee

Lee: Elle!!!
Elle:yes haylee I said  while making eye contact
Elle: you so loud
Lee: it's just my personality sweetheart she said confidently while flicking her hair
I rolled my eyes playfully
Lee: I'm so tired already
Elle: bro same we should get some Starbucks and do the English
Lee: wait we had English
Elle: well it's the first lesson back she will probably give us work knowing her
Lee: fuck this shit

Elle: meet me in the car park at the dorms when your classes are over
Lee: ok yea sure
Lee: wait when did you get a car
Elle: I've always had one It was just always in the garage at home so I drove it back her
Lee: yes now I have my own chauffeur
Elle: girl you need your own car
Lee: I know but my parents said that the party ruined my chances of getting one
Elle: this is why you don't do dumb shit
Lee: it was worth it tho
Elle: yep ok now keep quiet u need to listen
Lee; ok I'm going to sleep


We were heading towards the nearest Starbucks cause lee was craving an espresso shot I low key just wanted to do my English essay

We got our drinks and sat down at the table near the window cause lee said it's good for inspiration

Lee: ok now I'm that caffeinated I'm able to work she said while lightly rubbing her hands together and opening a document to start typing
Lee: wait what's the topic again
Elle: a world problem you would solve I read from the email she wrote to us
Lee; it's always the same damn topic I swear I've written this before in junior year
Elle: this is why English is shit

Elle: hey did you see that girl in class
Lee: uhhh that's a dumb question
Elle: I know
Lee: how does she look
I pulled up her insta and showed lee
Lee: she's pretty
Elle: and quiet unlike you
Lee: shut up
Lee: but no I don't know her
Lee: who's her boyfriend
Elle: dumb ass I just met her I can't just ask that

Lee: you think she smokes
Elle: bruh
Lee: we should go to the mall with her on someday
Elle: Yea let's bunk Thursday
Lee: ok I'll check my classes
Elle: yay cause I need so much stuff
Lee: also I need clothes girl
Elle: ok I'll message Lana and let her know and stuff
Lee: Lana ,pretty name
Elle: bro she's so fucken pretty
How I imagine lana:

Lee: you think she smokes Elle: bruh Lee: we should go to the mall with her on someday Elle: Yea let's bunk Thursday Lee: ok I'll check my classes Elle: yay cause I need so much stuff Lee: also I need clothes girlElle: ok I'll message Lana and let...

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———————————————————-Elle: shit I need to finish my essay
Lee: I'm only half way
Elle: I'm only on my starting paragraph so please
Lee: word count
Elle: she said a 800-1100 words
Lee: I only have like 300 wtf
Elle: this teacher hates us bruh

*ring ring*

Lee: Elle your phone
Elle: shit it's Mattia give me 2 min I said while walking out the doors

Elle: heyy
Mattia: hey baby where are you
Elle: I'm at Starbucks why
Mattia: what you doing at Starbucks you hate coffee he said while laughing
Elle: they sell other things you know
Elle: I'm doing our English essay with lee
Mattia: oh shit sorry I'll let you finish
Elle: no no it's fine I'm bored anyway
Elle; what did you phone for
Mattia: idk I just wanted to see where you were cause I wanted to watch a movieeeee
Elle: you need to stop watching tv all the time and do work
Mattia: you sound like my mom
Mattia: In  high school all she made me do was study
Elle: well she's right now go study I'll be at the dorms around 4 ok
Mattia: ok yea see you soon
Mattia: wait
Elle: yep
Mattia: should I order something to eat for us
Elle; yes let's have burgersssss
Mattia: ok I'll order your usual
Elle: thanks babyyy
Mattia: ok go work now he said before cutting the call


Lee: ok you ready to go now
Elle: Yea I'll finish off the ending paragraph at the dorms
Lee and I packed up out laptops and scrap pieces of paper before heading into my car and driving to campus

Elle: you won't believe it
Lee: what lee said while buckling her safety belt
Elle: I think I have a stalker
Lee: you tell me this after I was with you the whole day
Lee: he probably gonna kill us both now
Elle: it's a red car they always around like when I go running or I'm out smoking or something
Lee: uhhh
Elle: I know and over the weekend I got a phone call from some random person and they were just breathing I was so scared
Lee: did you tell mattia
Elle: no I don't want him involved he will turn it into some unnecessary thing
Lee: girl that's hella creepy
Elle: ikkkk

We arrived back at the dorms and I sat with Mattia scrolling through tiktok while he started his English

We ate and shit and I ✨slept✨

Yes I updated!!!
Anyways love y'all all
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Word Count: 1236

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