Day 25

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It was the day that I never expected to come so early I mean I knew it would come one day but not right now. I can already hear my parents voices explaining to me how irresponsible I am

I woke up to mattias phone ringing

Elle: Mattia I said in a morning voice
Mattia: mmm he said trying to go back to sleep
Elle: Mattia your mom is phoning you
Mattia: agggh ok fine

Mattia: hello mama
Camilla: awhhh my tia how are you
Mattia: I'm good. Is there something wrong you phoned at 9am
Camilla: no I just wanted to see how are you and how's university We all can't wait to see you next week
Mattia: Yea I miss home I can't wait to see y'all either
Mattia: mama?
Camilla: yes tia is something wrong
Mattia: no actually my life is going really well I've met this amazing person who keeps me smiling everyday, Mattia said while smiling at me

I couldn't help but blush and look down

Mattia: mama I've met this girl named ellene and I want to introduce her to y'all over break
My eyes winded
And Mattia started to try not laugh knowing how scared I am about that
Camilla: Oh my word Mattia that's so good we will be more that happy to meet her I'm going to go tell your father now
Mattia: mam-
Camila: Gia Mattia has a girl, Mattias mom screamed
Gia: sta finalmente diventando un uomo

Mattia started laughing I was just confused to be honest
Mattia: ok I have to go love you mama Mattia said in a thick Italian accent
The call cut
Elle: Love YoU mAmA
I said while laughing

After talking for a while we got out of bed and I headed to shower

Elle: don't walk in now I said while winking
Mattia laughed but with a smirk

I got out and put on:

Mattia had on a red crew neck and some light jeans with red Jordan 4s

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Mattia had on a red crew neck and some light jeans with red Jordan 4s

Mattia: what time are we going live
Elle: uhhh we going live
Mattia: Yea it's easier
Elle: uhhh we can go live at 1 people will be up around then

We got some chipotle and started eating when mattia got a message
Elle: who is it
Mattia: my brother he heard the news and thinks you fake
Elle: your brother is so cute man I said while looking at a pic of him
Mattia: he's really annoying
Elle: y'all even have similar moles
Mattia looked at me blankly


Mattia: ok it's time
Elle: Yay I said with a straight face

Mattia started the live and I sat next to him

Mattia: hey guyssssss
Elle: hi
Mattia: ok lets just wait a few more minutes for some more viewers ok

5 min later of small talk

Mattia: ok 56k viewers
Elle: that's a lot of people
Mattia:ok as many saw on tiktokroom there was a picture of Elle and myself holding hands we just want to address the topic of are we together or not
Elle: I was introduced to y'all as Mattias friend like ale and kairi

User: kairi😍

I laughed a little

Elle: ok anyways let me finish
Mattia: Elle and I are dating mattia said smiling
Elle: oop ok
Elle: this is like what, 1 month
Mattia: Yea
Elle: I wanted you guys to first get used to me around before I just say I'm mattias girlfriend

User: happy for y'all

Elle: thank you so much

Kairi: add me to the live 👁👄👁

Mattia: bitch no we being serious we don't need your clown ass here

Elle: also hi tiktokroom

User: she's pretty but I don't ship it

Mattia: oh
Mattia: anyways are there any questions
Elle: also let me just say just that boys and girls can be friends they don't always have to date and be shipped let me just say that.
Mattia: wow inspirational

After about an hour we ended the live there were both mean and good comments which were expected

Mattia: well that went well
Elle: true
Elle: so your parents hay
Mattia: Yea they want to meet you
Elle: yay
Mattia: they not scary trust me
Elle: eh ok I need to catch up with work so I'll see you later
Mattia: can't we watch one more episode
Elle: ok fine I said while jumping onto his bed

Elle: ay it isn't even an hour and we already on tiktok room

TikTok ShaderRoom.

(Clip of Mattia and Elle talking about their relationship)

- Mattia and Elle confirm they are together so happy to hear this!! Shipping or Dipping tho?


Robert.Georges: ship

Kairi.Cosentino: Dipp cause Mattia mine
Elle.Masri: I-

Mattia.Polibio: Yay we made it

User: she not even that cute

User: low key she clout chasing
Mattia.Polibio: she knew me before tiktok, get your facts right pls🧚🏼‍♀️💐

After watching some Netflix
I did some school work and fall off to sleep as I was very tired then my phone ran

Elle: hello
Lucas: bitch you got a boyfriend
Elle: Yea who told you
Lucas: I just know
Elle: who told you
Lucas: my friend
Elle: ughhh
Lucas: why didn't you tell me
Elle: cause you will snitch me out
Lucas: this where you get blocked
Elle: bye Lucas I'll see you next week
Lucas: love you hoe
Elle: love you to

Mattia: who was that
Elle: my brother
Mattia: he seems nice
Elle; eh
Elle: ok I'm going back to bed
Elle: night Mattia I said while kissing him

I slept 😙✌🏽

Love y'all thanks for reading sorry for not updating but I was dead ass  crying this whole weekend

Vote and share💕

Love y'all

Word Count: 954

Him~ Mattia Polibio Where stories live. Discover now