Part 4

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~ Ginny Pov~ 

It's been a week since me and Harry started dating things are going will. Tomorrow Harry is coming to see me, Ron, Hermione . I walk upstairs to my room to see Hermione. 

" Hey" 

" Hey Ginny" She said not even looking up from her book. " Why is your lipstick smudged?" She asked me. 

" Oh it's probably when i was kissing Har- You tricked me!" I said getting kinda mad. 

" So you are dating!" She said laughing. 

Before i could say anything their was a thump outside me door. So i went to go open it and of course it was Fred and George. 

" You're dating Harry!" They both said laughing. " Fred lets go tell mom" 

" I thought the same thing Greogie." He said smirking. 

" Don't you dare." I said giving both of them a 'watch yourself'look.

" Ok we won't tell mom we tell Ron" Said Fred  

They started running me. And i started running after them. I left my wand in my room so i couldn't hex them. 

"Ron guess what!" Said George

" What?" Said Ron eating chocolate in his room. 

" Ginny dating -" The started to say 

" Guys please don't" I said getting really really mad.   

" To late. Ginny is dating Harry!" They said really quick. 

" WHAT MY BEST MATE IS DATING MY SISTER." said Ron putting on his shoes. 

" Where you going?" The twins said. 

"  To kick Harry butt. you coming. " 

" No can do brother. Harry gave us the money to buy our store we got to be on his good side. " Said the twins.  

" Then I go kick his butt by myself." 


The twins starting laughing. " WHAT ARE YOU TWO LAUGHING YOU WERE THE ONES THAT TOLD HIM. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GOING TO POTTER'S HOUSE AND NO ONE IS FOLLOWING ME. THEY ARE ACTUAL NICE OVER THERE. THEY TREAT ME LIKE PART OF THE FAMILY. CLEARLY SOMETHING I CAN'T SEE HERE. I'M TRIED OF YOU GUYS BEING MEAN TO ME. EVER SINCE I WAS LITTLE I TRIED TO LOOK AFTER MYSELF BUT IT'S CLEARLY NO WORKING AND IF ANY OF YOU FOLLOW ME I HEX THE LIFE OUT OF YOU AND DON'T THINK I WON'T DO IT. " I ran back to my room grabbed my bag and started packing I even got my Hogwarts stuff just in case.  Then i left i couldn't believe that i was leaving my family. I knocked on there door. Then someone open it. It was James.

" Ginny are you ok." 

" No i have no where to go can i stay here for a while." I said holding tears  in my eyes.  

" of course come inside. Lily Harry come here!" 

Then Harry and Lily came in from the kitchen. " Ginny has family issues right now so she staying here ok." said James sweetly  

" OK" i knew they didn't want to ask what was going. They probably thought it was not their  business and this is another reason i love the potter family they don't metal in. 

" Harry why won't you take Ginny to the guest room to unpack while i make dinner." Said Lily 

" OK mum." Said Harry grabbing my hand to take me upstairs.  

~ Harry Pov~ 

I toke Ginny to the guest room. " Do you need help unpacking" I asked 

" Yeah sure." She said feeling really sad. After we were done unpacking i got up and offered Ginny my hand to help her up. We ate dinner and hangout with my parents it's kinda fun having someone your same age to hangout with. Sure i do love my parents but i wish I had a sibling. That night i heard crying from the guest room. So I got up to go check on Ginny.

"Gin you okay?" 

She got out of bed and hugged me. She was crying into my shirt but i didn't care. We didn't even talk. We just held each other. I wish she would tell me what happen but i wasn't going to forces to tell me. She tell me when the time was right.  

I went back to my room and fell asleep quickly. Tomorrow me, my mum, dad, and Ginny are going to Diagon Alley to get the rest of are Hogwarts stuff. 

*The next day* 

" Harry wake up." Said Ginny shaking me. " Good morning love." I said half asleep. I Kissed her then i got up and starting changing. I didn't even try on my hair that morning.  Then i went to the kitchen. 

"morning" I said rubbing my eyes. 

" Woah Harry bad hair day" Said my dad laughing. 

" Likes yours looks any better." I said grinning

" Oh its's on" He throw a biscuit at me. And i knew what time it was..." FOOD FIGHT!" 

Me and my dad started throw food at each other when my mum and Ginny walked in. 

" Boys! " They both said at the same time. " Both of you clean up your mess then go change again because your cloths is a mess." 

" But honey !"Said my dad kinda sad that we couldn't keep throwing food at each other. But I don't blame him i'm kinda sad too. 

"  No but. now!" So me and my dad started cleaning while Ginny and my mum went to the living room.

~ Lily Pov~ 

" You sure you want to date a Potter." I said Grinning at Ginny. 

" How did you know." She said so shocked.

" Oh please do you really don't think i haven't seen the lipstick stain Harry has coming back from your house i knew it could you or Hermione but she has a crush on Ron so it had to be you." 

" you're ok with it" 

" Why wouldn't i be you make him happy" I smiled at her. 

Then the boys come downstairs come downstairs from changing. " OK lets go " said Harry 

" Do you have the letter with the supplies" I asked him 

" Yes mum" He said showing my the letter 

" Good. Ginny do you have yours" 

" I actually have no money." She said shyly

" No sense we pay for it." 

" really" She said happily 

" Ok let's go." Said James 


What will happen at diegon alley  you will find out next book. 

Bye i hope you enjoyed. 

~ Rocky~ 


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