Part 11

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~Ginny Pov~ 

I woke up that morning totally forgetting were i was. Then i turned around i seeing Harry asleep. It finally clicked last night it was to late for me to go home. So i just feel asleep in Harry room. I choose just to go back to sleep. So i cuddled up to him and fell back at sleep. 

~James Pov~ 

It was 8 o clock in the morning i was on my way to work and so was Lily. We both quickly got change and before we left we walked into Harry room  to see both him and Ginny asleep. Thank god. 

~ Harry Pov~ 

I woke up to hearing loud knocks on the door. I groaned and got out of bed to see who it was. I walk downstairs to see all the weasley brothers expect Charlie and Percy there. 

"Why are you guys here it's 9 in the morning." I say rubbing my eyes.  

" Where Ginny." Say Bill coming inside with the others fallowing right behind him.  

"Sure come in why not." I say closing the door. 

" Harry where Ginny."Says Ron. 

" She asleep."I say sitting down on the couch. 

" Why did she not come home last night" Says Fred sitting down too. 

" It was to late and my mum didn't want her to leave because it was cold." I say yawning. 

"You guys didn't...... well you know." Says George. 

" Is that why you guys are here. We wouldn't until were ready."I say yawning again.

" Yeah and plus if we did it wouldn't be none of your business." Says Ginny walking downstairs. 

"H-hey sis." Says Ron afraid of what she might do. 

" You guys are stupid."She says hitting each one of them in the head. 

" Ow!" That all say rubbing there head. 

" Anyway we should go home. You coming Ginny." Says Bill walking his way to the door. 

" But Bill we just got here." Says Fred. 

" Yeah Bill don't be Percy let us stay a little longer." Says George. 

" Fine but-" Says Bill 

" Wait Harry hasn't even said you you guys can stay here." says Ginny. 

That when is they all started arguing. So i walk into the kitchen to grab something called coffee that my mum taught me and dad about. Then before I could take a sip. I hear the fighting stop. 

" Where Harry?" Says Ron 

" Coming." I say walking into the sitting room.  

" They are about to leave." Says Ginny giving them a fake smile. 

"ok." They all say walking at the door rubbing there noses.  

" You did a bat bogey hex didn't you." I say giving her a cup. 

" Yes. Have I ever bat bogey hex you." She says sitting down. 

" Nope but your brother told me it hurt." I say taking a sip of my coffee. 

" What is this?" Says Ginny pointing at the coffee. 

" It a muggle drink it really good." I say taking another sip. Ginny takes a sip and quickly splits it out. " How can people drink this!" She says putting the coffee down. 

We just stayed and talk until my parents came home. 

" Oh Ginny thank god your here. Were going to my sister's house and we want you to go." Says Mum hugging me and Ginny. 

" Mum i don't want to go." I say groaning. 

" I do not care. Ginny,Harry go get changed." She says 

After we get changed we go downstairs waiting for my mum and dad.My dad comes downstairs dragging his feet. Then my mum comes downstairs happy. 

" Ok let go." She says Grabbing my dad hand. 

+ Dursleys House.+

~ Ginny Pov~ 

Lily knocks on the door and we wait. After a few second Dudley Dursley opens it. 

" Mum the Potters are here" He says walking away .

She comes and hugs Lily. Harry told me they get along better but Vernon hates them and Dudley doesn't care. We walk into the living and sit down. 

" Hello and what your name." Says petunia siting across from me. 

" I'm Ginny Weasley."  I say nervous. 

" Another freak." Says Vernon with a mad face." Why is she even here." He says crossing his arms." 

" She dating Harry." Says James grabbing Lily hand tight so he won't say something mean. 

" Wow that ugly looking boy of yours got a girlfriend, but she also a freak so not a step up." He say smiling.   i run out of there crying Harry running after me. I normally don't cry I would have bat bogey hex him . But no one ever called me a freak not even my brothers when they are joking.  

~ Lily Pov~ 

" You listen hear you make fun of anymore of family members or anything. I swear to god you never see another day light again. You are just a big fat idiot that thinks being different is a bad thing which is not. You are the different one because people don't treat people the way you do. SO if you miss with me or my family ones again i would run if I us you." I say standing up getting in front of him.  

" You don't treat a man like that. Women should show man with respect because woman can't defined for themselves". He says also standing up. Before I could say anything James said something.  

"Women are the reason were here. They are much more hard working. They carried a human inside them for nine mouths i don't see you doing that. you think women are just for staying at home doing anything for you. You need to show respect to them in all ways. because women are a reason this world is running. They are a huge part of this planet, so You don't treat a women like that. Men show women with respect because men can't defined for themselves." After Vernon could say anything Harry came having a arm around Ginny. 

" See look there goes a woman crying like always." He says pointing at Ginny.

" Cry is a good thing sometime you can't hold tears back." Says Ginny looking at him. 

" I show you something to cry about." He was about to hit Ginny that when Harry hit him in the gut. Then Ginny bat bogey hex him. We started walking out the door. And James screamed," DON'T MESS WITH THE POTTERS." Then we leave. Ginny left to her house that night and I think i just lost my relationship with my sister again. 


Thx you so much for almost 200 Views i thought my story sucked. i want to give a thank you to @princess_perfect77 she is amazing writer and you all should totally check out her stories. They are amazing. 

 -Rocky- (Black lives matter) 


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