Part 27

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~ Ginny Pov~ 

I went to the borrow while Harry at work. Since Hermione also getting married we wanted to have a double wedding. My mum and Lily also came to help us. 

" Ok what going to be the theme." Says my mum giving all of us tea. 

" snowy forest? " I say. 

"  That be amazing and it could be outside." Says Hermione. Lily writes it down. 

"Are you going to have matching dresses." Says Lily. Writing more stuff down. 

" No." Says me and Hermione at the same time. We just smile at each other. 

" Ok what flowers?" Says my mum. 

" Maybe white roses to go with the theme." Says Hermione. 

" That me amazing." I say looking at the binder we made for the wedding. Lily is our wedding designer with Alice.  Since they both very good at it and they both really wanted to do it. 

" Here." Says Lily giving us phones. To and Hermione." It's so I can contact you in case of a wedding emergency. " After awhile Harry, James, dad, Ron come inside. 

"Hey." Says Harry giving me a quick peck on the lips and sits down next to me. After a few hours we are done planing and all we need to do know i get the stuff. 

" Ok one last thing. Roles." Says Lily looking at the folder. 

" Ok for my mine and Ron groom man we thought about, Neville, Seamus, Fred, and George. And the ring man Teddy and the flower girls, Abby and Victorie." Says Harry. 

" And for mine and Hermione bridesmaids are, Luna, Angelina, Fluer, Tonks." I say. Lily writes all this down. 

" Oh Harry before i forget your going with your dad, Ron and Arthur tux shoping." Says Lily passing the binder to Hermione.

"Do i have to Ginny always picks out my clothes if she didn't i probably be wearing the same shirt each day." Says Harry frowning.   

" That why your dad going with you." Says Lily rolling her eyes. 

" Alright." Mutters Harry. 

" We should get going." I say standing up. 

" Bye." Says everyone but before we could leave George runs inside. 

" S-she Pr-pregnant An-Angelina pregnant . " He lays down on the floor. We all just look shocked at him. " I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!" He say putting his arm up in the air for victory. After thirty minutes me and Harry finally leave.We sit on the couch and start watching TV i was almost completely on top of Harry since he is my big teddy bear. 

"When do you want kids?" I say looking up at him. 

'I don't really care it's your body you be the one carrying the baby for nine months." He says smiling. 

" I think we should start trying right after the wedding. I could have a baby wait a few months and start quiddish." I say putting my head on his chest. 

" Ok i agree." Harry says kissing the top of my head. I can't believe he agreed the only reason i want a baby quickly was because what if one day I fall of my broom or something and I won't be able to get pregnant anymore. 

" We should go to sleep." I say standing up and grabbing his hand. 

" Alright." He stands up and we go to our room and fall asleep.  

Hi everyone i hope you enjoy this chapter Also thank you for 1k views. I won't be writing on July 3rd since it's my birthday so i'm sorry I try to upload tomorrow but I can't keep promises.    

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