Part 26

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~Ginny Pov~  

I miss Harry. It's been a while. Good thing i get to see him soon he going to be home for summer. In just one week i'm going to be done with Hogwarts. I wish i could write to him. But he can't get letters and I feel Like the owl won't make it that far away. I go study at the libery. but I see Dean so i quickly run away. 

" Ginny!" Says Dean catching up. He grabs my arm. 

" Let go!" I say trying to get loss from him. 

" Please just listen to me." He says quietly. 

" Fine you have one minute." I say mad. 

" Break up with him. You meant to be with me. I love you. I know we frighted in the past but you were being annoying. Now you changed I see how you with Harry your not annoying at all. And I want that." He says with Hopefulness in his eyes.  

" Are you carzy! It also matters how the other person treats you! Just leave me alone!" I bat bogie hex him and ran into me dorm. I hate him he needs to understand bounders.  

+ One week later+ 

I'm going home today! I'm so excited seeing everyone. I go inside my house and see Harry siting on the couch with Ginger next to him. 

" Harry!" I say going to go hug him. 

" Gin." He stands up and kisses me. I kiss him back. 

" I missed you." I say hugging him. 

" I missed you too." He says hugging me back. "Gin you know i want to spent the rest of my life with you." 

" yes." I say looking up. 

" Will I got you something so everyone can know." He gets down on one knee. "Ginevra Molly Weasley I love you with all my heart. You are the one i went to be with. To be happy with my whole life. I never want us to end. So will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me? " He says smiling at me. I can'y believe it I been waiting years for this ever since i was the little eleven year old that had a crush on the famous Harry Potter. 

" YES" I say kissing him. He puts the ring on my finger 

 He puts the ring on my finger 

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" I love it." I say looking at the ring. 

" I know you like it." He kisses me again. 

" I CAN'T BELIEVE IT I'M GETTING MARRIED I'M GOING TO BE GINNY POTTER" I say jumping up and down. " We should go tell everyone." I say grabbing his hand. 

+ Potter Mission+

We walk inside and see Lily and James watching tv. Lily taught him about it. 

" Harry, Ginny how nice it is to see you." Says James putting pause. The get up and walk over to us. Lily looks at my hand. She quickly take it. 

" NOW WAY." She starts jumping up and down. 

" what?" Says James he looks at my hand and his eyes widen. 

" We're getting married." Says Harry. Lily starts tearing up. 

" I can't believe it .finally!" She hugs both of us. James just smiles.

" We should get going we still have people to tell." I say. 

" Ok bye." Says Lily wiping away the tiers.  

+ The burrow+ 

We walk inside and see Hermione, Ron, my mum, and dad. They all having tea. 

" Oh Ginny how are you." My mum says smiling. 

" I'm going great. Look!" I say showing them my ring. 

"Omg my baby girl getting married!" Says my dad hugging me. 

" Congrats dears." Says my mum hugging both of us. 

We kept going to people house to tell everyone. My brothers thought it was a joke. Lastly one more person to tell Professor McGonagall. Harry was mostly excited about telling her since she one of his favorites. We walk into her office. 

" Hello dears what can I help you with?" She says looking up from her papers. 

" Look!" I say showing her my ring. McGonagall smiled widen. 

" Omg i'm so excited congrats."   She hugs both of us. We know that McGonagall is strict but she loves Harry. Probably because Harry is a prefect mix of Lily and James attitude and she loves both of them. After awhile with talking with her we leave. We sit on the couch. 

" What a long day." I say looking down at my ring. 

" It was." He looks at me and kisses me. We deepen the kiss and you might know what happens next. Harry falls asleep. I just lay there thinking how i'm going to be Mrs,Potter. 

I hope you like it! I didn't want to wait any longer to post. I been having a little trouble thinking about what to write and the story was getting a little boring so i just choose that Harry will propose to Ginny already

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