Chapter : One Persuasions

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Chapter : 1

"But mom, please!" I pleaded for the umpteenth time probably, whining like the entire world depended on this one approval.

Mom threw me a look that said 'really now?' as she resumed to washing the dishes.

"It won't take more than two and a half hours; Please!" I tried again, making my puppy dog eyes with a frown. Feigning some innocence should do the trick, I hoped. 

"Only two hours? What about the Press Conference that you will attend after the movie?" Aarav interrupted my attempts with a smirk.

I glared at him so hard that, trust me, if looks could kill then he'd be six feet below the ground already. Mom put the dishes in the sink and turned to look at me with an amused expression dawning over her face.

In short, I'm doomed! 

"You didn't tell me about the Conference." Mom stated, raising an eyebrow at me as she wiped her hands dry on her apron.

"It's n-not decided yet..." I stuttered, trying to make an excuse to drop the topic but thanks to Aarav, I couldn't make up a lie.

"NOT DECIDED? Who are you trying to fool huh? It's not just any Press Conference, it's AYUSHMANN KHURRANA'S Press Conference. How on Earth are you gonna miss it?!" Aarav pointed as he sat up straight on the couch, clearly interested in ruining my plans.

"You better shut up!" I growled at my brother while he only smirked that irritating smirk.

"Stop threatening your brother, Tanya." Dad said in a monotonous voice as he scrolled through his phone while I scowled at him. Dad didn't notice my expression though.

"Things aside, why do you wanna go watch this movie so bad?" Mom asked, genuinely interested in knowing.

I sighed.

Because Ayushmann is in it? I wanted to say.

"Because the script is d-different." I answered instead, dammit! I hate it when I stutter. It clearly makes me appear nervous and voila! You know already that I'm lying! I'm like a living lie detector. The only defect in this detector is that it ends up scanning itself instead of others.

I heard Aarav snicker at my answer.

"And what's the name of the movie again?" Dad asked me, still busy working on his laptop and phone.

"Dream Girl." I answered, my voice a little squeak.

"What?" Mom asked, she didn't hear me.

"Dream Girl." Aarav replied to her query pretty loudly with a smirk on his face. He loves to put me in a tough spot. 

"Sounds like a romantic thing..." Mom said, her voice unsure as she bit her lip with a thoughtful look on her face.

Oh God, she's gonna decline my requests, isn't she?

God, please let me go and attend that movie and the Conference. I promise to go to the temple three times if you help me out! Please!!!

"Let her go, dear." Dad said.

YES! Three visits to the temple it is.

"But-" Mom started.

"But, Aarav is gonna accompany you." Dad completed the condition for her.

"What?!" Both I and my brother yelled.

"But Dad he'll hardly sit still. How am I supposed to babysit him and watch the movie?" I whined. Taking Aarav to a movie theater to watch a film with almost no action or thrill will only mean him creating loads of havoc for me. 

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