Chapter : Thirty Nine Trapped

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Chapter: 39

The past twenty-four hours or so have been just awful. Like really terrible.

From the time when I fainted out, I've been feebly gaining consciousness every now and then which seriously isn't helping my situation. It's like one moment I'm looking at the momentary world around me and the next; I'm drawn back into the whirlpool of inestimable darkness.

One moment I faintly heard AK's voice which was apologizing to me over and over again. He was talking about feeling guilty for leaving me behind and what not.

Another time I felt like I heard Aarav's weak sobs and a warm hand holding onto mine to which I wished to dearly respond to by grasping it back but my unconscious self didn't permit me to do so.

It was as if I was trapped inside my own self! Trying in vain to escape out of it but failing miserably with every passing second. The next time I gained consciousness, I was welcomed by the rhythmic beeps and buzz of the hospital equipment around me. All I could seem to do was to muster just enough strength to raise my eyes to look about. My vision had turned extremely messy. It took me a moment to regain proper sight and once I did, I felt at relief when I found my mum next to me.

She had her head drooped down in her hands as she slouched down on the seat beside my bed on which I had been lying. I felt like calling out to her. I felt like pushing myself up and to wrap her distressed self in my arms in a caring hug and to tell her that I'm alright. I felt like all of this was just a really bad nightmare and it's all soon gonna be over.

But guess what? What I feel is wrong.

Tears pooled out in my eyes as I lay there motionless. Seemed like my body wasn't willing to cooperate with my brain and neither were my emotions ready to compose down. I took a sharp breath which made my Mom look up at me with a startled expression. Her eyes were glossy and her usually vibrant face looked bizarrely pale. She looked sad.

"Tanya, sweetie..." Mom started as she pulled my hand up in hers and kissed it gently, trying to calm me down.

"Thank God that you're awake now." Mom sighed with a relieved smile as she reached a hand out and brushed a few strands of loose hair away from my face. All I could respond with was a faint smile which I'm sure wasn't visible on my blank face.

"Don't worry honey; the doctors are saying that you'll be alright." Mom spoke to me in a soothing voice.


Ayushmann's POV

"What the hell do you mean by she's not gonna be alright!?" Aarav fumed furiously as he charged at the doctor. He tackled the doctor to the wall roughly as he grasped his collar with both his hands. The doctor turned pale and fumbled with an answer.

"Aarav, let go of him," Kajal intervened as she tried to separate Aarav away before he does something lethal.

I took a deep breath as I glanced back at the door of the Emergency Room where Tanya was with her Mom. The fear of losing Tanya has been haunting me ever since she dropped unconscious in the woods. I never should've talked back to her in the way I did.

She was just trying to reach out to me. And what did I do? I snapped. Yeah, that's what I did.

But how can I sign up for some insignificant movie and work with some strangers while knowing that the girl who matters the most to me is struggling through a life-threatening disease? All this time I have had been trying to cheer her up and to keep her away from the negative thoughts. How am I supposed to do that if I go off for the shooting of some movie?

"My sister is fine. Do you get that?" Aarav hissed at the doctor who was still pinned to the wall by a raging Aarav while Kajal tried in vain to pull him away.

I exchanged a look with Apar who nodded at the commotion the three were creating. Sighing, I pushed myself off the seat and approached Aarav. Holding him by his arms, I pulled him off the doctor who slipped away from the grey-eyed boy with a relieved look.

"I'm sorry," I apologised to the doctor on behalf of Aarav who was throwing daggers at the man. The doctor nodded and scurried off while smoothing his shirt and coat.

"What's the matter with you?" Kajal asked Aarav once I released him while he only looked away with an impassive look.

"Aarav I'm talking to you," Kajal demanded.

Still no response from him.

"Aarav for God's sake! We all are facing the same situation. Okay? You're not the only one who loves Tanya and cares for her. Just try and be a little considerate?" Kajal spoke.

For some strange reason, Aarav threw Kajal an annoyed look and a humourless.

"Do you even know what love and care means Kajal? Are you sensible enough to even realize what a person feels towards you?" Aarav asked, his voice lacing irritation as he looked at Kajal.

Kajal stood there, frozen. Sighing, Aarav stormed out of the corridors of the silent hospital with loud, angry steps. I looked back at Kajal to find her looking at the deserted path through which Aarav departed a moment ago. Her eyes held a whirlwind of emotions as she rubbed away the tears with the back of her hand and composed herself.

Turning towards the door to the Emergency Room, I felt hope emerge when Tanya's mother walked out of the room with a small smile. She nodded at me to gesture for me to get in next.

"She's awake now," Tanya's mom answered my unvoiced question and I leaped into action as I headed for the Emergency room with a breath on hold.

Author's Note:

Hey peeps!

How was the update? I hope I succeeded in expressing what Tanya and AK felt,

Stay tuned for the next update!!!

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