Chapter : Twenty Eight 0.1 Percent

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Chapter : 28

"Tanya! Open the door, dear," Mom said as she knocked once more on my door.

"Let me be at peace!" I grumbled as I continued writing poems.

"You've been in there for hours, Tanya!" Mom's muffled voice reached me.

I didn't respond.

"TANYA!" Aarav's voice reached me as well.

"UGH! STOP IT GUYS!" I yelled back as I pulled the blanket over my head.

I was under my bed, trying to release my thoughts by scribbling them out on my notebook. Yeah, you heard me right. I was under my bed. The dark space underneath the bed has always been my spot whenever I feel upset or alone. The confined little space helps me clear out the mess inside my brain.

"Look we all know what happened at college today, okay?" Mom spoke.

"Just go away, please!" I tried, my voice turning hoarse from all the shouting. The proposal from AK isn't the reason behind my depressed mind. My stupid refusal to him is the sole reason.

When Ayushmann went down on one knee, I was torn apart in two states of minds. One part was telling me to smile and hug him with a 'Yes!' and to be happy with him. The other part was telling me to push him away before I end up hurting him.

AK doesn't deserve to be loved by someone like me; someone who doesn't even know if there's a future. I can't let him dream about us and then leave him in the journey. It's far better if I shatter the dream before it even begins. He might hate me for doing this to him, but at least I'll die happily, knowing that he didn't grieve over my death. AK will have someone way more deserving in his life; someone who will never let go of him. Someone, who will always be by his side.

Thinking about all of it made me sob again. I realized that Mom and Aarav had stopped calling me. I guess they gave up. I'm actually happy that they did.

"Tanya?" A familiar voice reached me from the other side of the door. It wasn't my parent or Aarav.

"Please open up," he said as he lightly knocked.

All I could do was pull the blanket over my face, trying to just disappear into thin air. Tears kept streaming down my face while I kept cussing myself for being such an over-emotional idiot.

The next moment I heard the rhythmic bang on the door. He's gonna break in?

Before I could react, AK had successfully broken the lock and stumbled into my room. I held a breath as I slowly pulled down the blanket. From underneath the bed, I could view his grey shoes and jeans as he stood there confused. He closed the door behind him and walked over to my bed.

"Say nothing if you're under the bed," AK said.

"I'm not here. Go away," I mumbled.

AK eventually kneeled down and peeked under the bed. I had my face covered with my palms, not wanting to meet his questioning eyes.

"Tanya," Ayushmann whispered lightly.

"Hmm," I hummed, still not looking at him.

"At least look at me when I speak," He asked,

Giving it a moment's consideration, I gradually removed my hands and looked at him with glossy, grey eyes. AK had laid down on his belly, mirroring my position, as he looked at me with a calm look. He and I didn't speak for a while, taking a deep breath Ayushmann began.

"You're not fine. No fine person looks so pale and exhausted, Tanya. Talk to me; Please," AK said.

"There's nothing to talk about, just go," I tried, closing my eyes.

"Despite the words, your actions tell me otherwise." AK said and gave a small smile.

"You don't understand," I sighed as I dropped my head in frustration.

"Then make me understand, Tanya," he spoke softly.

"I'm suffering from anemia, AK!" I blurted out, exasperated.

"What..." AK trailed off as I cried uncontrollably now.

He didn't speak for a minute, giving me time to calm down.

"And you thought I would be better off without you?" Ayushmann asked while I sobbed, not meeting his eyes.

"Tanya, in life we all turn weak. Everyone faces the hard times. But that doesn't mean you'll give up. Nobody's giving up on you; then how can you decide your fate on your own?" Ayushmann asked me.

"Tanya, I love you unconditionally not because I picture you with me in my future. I love you because you're a part of my present and no matter what happens, you'll always be with me. Physically pushing me away won't separate you from me," AK spoke.

Somehow, his words managed to penetrate through my decision. The way he expressed his thoughts helped me see the light in the darkness. AK smiled and extended a hand for me to take.

"Come out of the darkness and let me guide you out of the tough times," AK said.

Rubbing my tears off roughly, I reached out and held his hand slowly. He smiled as he pulled me out. Crawling out of the bed, I kneeled down beside him while he peered at me with caring, brown eyes.

"But...the doctors have told me that there's a slim chance of 25 percent regarding my survival..." I mumbled, trying to explain the gravity of my situation.

AK only smiled as he enveloped me in his arms. His warmth felt much needed to my cold little frame.

 "I'll be by your side even if it were a 0.1 per cent. Nobody's changing my mind." AK said as he held me in his arms.

Author's Note:-

Hola guys!!!

Finally a happy chapter, eh?

Who else agrees that AK is an awesome consultant? ;)

Stay happy and healthy!

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