Chapter : Forty Two

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Death. Deceased. Demise.

The words seem to make an awful impact now to me. Imagining a life without Tanya impossible. How will I spend even a moment without her?

She's the reason behind my cheerful attitude. Who will I tease? Who will accompany me during the lunch break? Who will watch the midnight Netflix with me? Who will care enough to ask me how I'm doing?

Who will ever be able to take her place? The void that she's left in me?

A sad smile spreads over my face as her innocent, grey eyes flash through my memories. When you lose somebody precious, the part of the brain which is associated with memory seems to malfunction and every single thing which you see makes you think about them.

I dove back to the childhood memories when I first met Tanya Rathore, the quite little creature who had come to my aid on the first day of school when nine-year old me had slipped and fell over the muddy playground.

"Who are you?" Nine-year old me fumed at the girl who stood in front of me with a blank face.

I felt tears threaten to spill over as all the kids laughed at my mud-coated self. Not a single tear dropped off though as I noticed the girl stretch a hand out for me to take. She wasn't laughing.

Cautiously, I took her hand and she pulled me up. The next moment she passed me the liveliest and brightest smile I had ever seen. She displayed her pearly white teeth and the corners of her eyes crinkled and her extraordinary grey eyes turned brighter, making me forget the humiliation. It was a genuine smile as she led me to the washroom to help me clean off the now-drenched uniform.

There came a loud bam of the emergency room door being thrown open as a tall figure dressed in a casual jacket and jeans stumbled into the room and halted dead on his tracks as he took a moment to register the situation. I had never seen AK this terrified.

Tanya's mom was sobbing since the time the doctor shook his head in an apologetic manner while her Dad was as still as a stone. His face looked the palest shade I had ever witnessed. No matter how strict Mr. Rathore was, he loved his daughter limitlessly and knowing the fact that she was no more must've shattered him to his core.

Oh and Aarav? He's... I don't know where. The moment Tanya was taken to the Intensive Care Unit; he seemed to be fidgeting insanely. He kept mumbling the words "Don't let go," over and over again as if he was asking his sister to stay strong even though she was in the ICU and couldn't hear him. Maybe he had sensed something bad already.

And I? I've been...silent. No matter how many tears I shed, no matter how much I cry, Tanya won't come back...

My bestie won't smile that silent smile the way she did.

"Tanya...?" AK asked, his voice hoarse as he gazed at the hospital bed where she lay still.

He looked back my way with a frown as if to ask if what he was facing was reality indeed. All I managed to respond with was a brief blink which meant a nod. With that blink, tears streamed down my cheeks as the overwhelming truth began to sink deeper in my heart, I gulped hard and stifled the cries inside me.

AK looked back at Tanya's lifeless self and managed to take a step ahead. Reaching his hands out, he cupped her face as he looked down at her. Sorrow and shock seemed to be radiating off him as he sobbed once. A stray tear dropped off and landed over Tanya's cheek which glistened under the lighting. He stayed that way for a while, taking in the grief.

"I'm sorry..." AK whispered. The pain was evident in those two mere words that he spoke.

I wonder what guilt overtook him for he rubbed his tears off roughly and caressed her face one last time before glancing back at her parents after which he dashed out of the room, leaving us in the silence and pain. His steps faded off as he walked away. 

Author's Note:-

Not every ending comprises of a happy chorus and smiling faces. Fate declares everything and no matter how bad we mourn, destiny awaits every soul.

Scroll up to the next chapter to read what Aarav's thoughts are.

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