Chapter : Twenty Six Hemo- what?

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Chapter : 26  

"You should go home if the headache is getting worse..." Kajal suggested.

"Hmm... " I groaned out in irritation as I pressed the side of my forehead with a frown. It was pounding real bad.

"Why haven't you consulted a doctor yet? I mean if the headaches and fatigue have been so constant, it might be something serious." Darshan spoke with a shrug as he observed the slide of amoeba under the lens of his microscope.

"Ow!" Darshan yelped when Aarav hit the back of his head with a frown.

"She's not ill. Why consult a doctor for a mild headache? They'll just dump a pile of medicines and prescriptions in her hand." Aarav said, suddenly protective.

"Point." Jake supported Aarav as he fiddled with his pen.

It's been about five days since that interview where AK proposed to me and I ended up passing out without a warning. I had gained consciousness after a few minutes when he sprinkled water over my face, constantly calling out my name with a worrisome face.

I don't exactly know what had happened to me. Was I that nervous that I fainted out? I don't know.

Because ever since then, I have been feeling tired and occasionally breathlessness welcomes me. The headaches aren't helping my situation either.

The Biology Practical class was dismissed soon after and our little group headed out with Kajal and Aarav on either of my side. It was about twelve in the noon and the corridors appeared orange-red under the sun. I stopped walking when something suddenly felt wrong.

Why are the corridors turning dark at the far end? It's a sunny day!

"Kajal..." I breathed as I grasped her arm which made her stop dead on her tracks.

A heavy feeling settled down in my chest which made it difficult to breathe. With every second passing, I was feeling as if the walls were closing down on me. Even in the broad daylight, darkness seemed to corner me out of the blue. I felt at a loss of strength as my legs failed to serve their sole purpose - to stand.

"Shit," Kajal cussed as she helped me up by wrapping her arms around me.

"Tanya? What's the matter?!" Aarav asked, panicked.

"Make her sit down," Jake said as he helped Kajal lower me to the floor.

Things are turning... Black?

"Do I call an ambulance?"

"Take her to the hospital ward."

"Tanya! Please respond..."

After that the words just drowned away and pure silence replaced it. Unwanted silence.


"I don't know if we should discuss this in front of her." The man dressed in a light blue shirt and a white coat said as he gestured towards me.

I frowned as I trained my eyes on the stethoscope hung around his neck. I felt a hand hold onto mine and I looked up to meet the grey orbs of my mom. I felt Aarav's grip tense up on the back of my seat as he stood behind me.

"I wanna listen." I assured with a nod.

Sighing, the doctor turned to look down at the blood test report and other medical papers.

"Your daughter has been suffering from hemolytic anemia." The doctor spoke with a neutral expression.

I and mom exchanged a glance.

Hemo- what? Why does that word sound familiar?

I do know what anemia is and sometimes it can end up into some serious conditions.

"She's suffering from a rare condition where the red blood cells are destroyed at a faster rate than what the bone marrow can replenish them. As a result, she's lacking RBC's in her blood which is causing the severe black outs and fatigue followed by headaches." The doctor explained like he was explaining a theory to a student.

"It's hereditary in nature sometimes." The doctor added.

Then it clicked in. Grandpa had suffered from this very condition.

"Is it... fatal?" I asked with a blank face.

"Tanya!" Mom gasped, she didn't want me to lose hope already.

"In your case, there's a high risk because it took longer to detect the anemia..." The doctor was saying when Aarav banged his fist on the door of the cabin and walked away, muttering curses all the way out.

"Aarav!" Mom called out to him but he was gone already.

"Having a high risk doesn't mean there's no way out. We can still go for a treatment." The doctor suggested.

"Okay," I said, feeling lost and a despairing feeling settling down in my gut.

The doctor then discussed a few more things like maintaining a proper diet and taking iron supplements which might help improve my health. He also told me that I should avoid tiring myself by excessive walking or exercises. He assured me that everything will be fine.

Then why didn't grandpa make it out?

Telling me that he was old would be like stating a joke to me. Despite his age, grandpa was a very healthy and fit man. I've seen how he turned weaker day by day.

Once the doctor was done explaining the procedures and treatments I could opt, he began to prescribe certain supplements for me.

"I'll go and check on Aarav," I told mom who nodded and went back to discussing the medicines with the doctor.

I pushed myself off the seat and took weary steps to the corridors. My twin was standing at the far end. His back was facing me as he looked out at the hospital lawns where the patients and family members were walking around. His arms were crossed on his chest as he looked ahead listlessly. Sighing, I strolled towards him with a small smile.

"Aarav?" I asked meekly as I put my hand on his shoulder from behind.

He didn't bother acknowledging me.

"I told you that doctors are pests. He'll prescribe a hundred medicines and tell you how ill you are." Aarav grumbled and turned to look at me with a frown. His grey eyes had a whirlwind of emotions swirling within.

I kept looking at him with a blank face.

"You're not suffering from anything fatal. I know you're all right Tanya." Aarav spoke, his voice broke at the end and he stopped short on his rant.

It pained my heart to find him distressed. Aarav breathed out and closed his eyes as he lowered his head. I reached out and hugged him. That was the breaking point where he sobbed into my shoulder as he wrapped his arms tighter around me. It was as if he was trying in vain to keep me, to protect me in his embrace.

"You're all right. Nothing has happened. No haemolytic shit whatsoever that asshole was talking about." Aarav spoke, his face buried in the crook of my neck and shoulder.

"I'm right here, Aarav." I tried as I rubbed his back.

At least for now I am.

Author's Note:-

Nothing to say after this update.
Sorry but please don't come looking for my throat to strangle readers *raises her hands in surrender*


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