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Ayushmann's POV

The hospital staff kept walking past the long corridors, dressed in their white cloaks and somber expressions plastered on their faces as they walked away busily. The smell of antiseptic medicines didn't make me as nauseous as before and the silence of the hospital appeared somewhat peaceful in contrast to the cacophony and melancholy inside me.

Taking a deep breath, I told myself for the umpteenth time that she's gonna be fine. Everything will be alright. Things will work out somehow.

I leaned back and rested my head over the white wall behind me, crossing my arms on my chest and drumming my fingers in a rhythm, trying to keep my calm. Many of the hospital staff had offered me to settle down on the seats but I just nodded with a small smile and declined their suggestions. They had seen me wandering about outside the Operation Theatre for the past four hours and must've become somewhat concerned for me.

I gazed up at the snowy white ceiling with built-in lights and wondered how long is she gonna be in there. Was everything really alright? Panic invaded my senses at that thought.

Right as if on cue, a nurse peeked out of the Operation Theatre and glanced my way. I instantly straightened up and looked at her with anxious, hopeful eyes. A wave of relief washed over me when she passed me a smile that reflected the success.

"She's safe," The nurse spoke as she stood aside; holding the door wide open, she gestured for me to walk in.

Thanking the almighty a million times over and over again, I sprinted over to the door and thanked her with a wide grin. She mirrored the smile and walked away. Taking a deep breath, I strode into the bright Theatre where the doctor and a few more nurses stood, about to leave...

Author's Note:-

The present day won't reveal much of the story yet, readers. So be patient and proceed with the chapters! 

Lemme know in the comments about this update. :)

BTW, most of the chapters are gonna be narrated through Tanya's Point Of View so it won't be necessarily mentioned at the beginning of every update. Whenever it'll be Ayushmann's POV, I'll mention it like I've done in this update. So don't be confused, alright?

Stay happy and healthy!


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