Chapter 19

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"Go! I don't have all day!" Issaac yelled. He walked to me and Halena and got in my face. I stared at him with hate but he didn't budge.

"Get out of my face." he backed away and put the duffel bag in the car. I followed with Killian but Halena walked to Issaac with her head down.

"Ok so here's how it's gonna go" issaac began." Las Vegas is a 5 hour drive from here not counting traffic. So every 30 minutes you are to text me your location. I have a tracking device in your car so I'll know if your lying and if you take out the tracking device the car will explode. If you do lie about your location i will activate the tracker to explode. Once you get to the place you are to go in and drop off the duffel bag once that is done i will recieve a text from my boss saying they got the duffel bag. once that happens i will tell you they texted me and i will text you a code. That code will deactivate the tracker and allow you to take it off with no problems. If the code doesnt work you are to leave the car where it is and find another life. Questions?" He ended.

"Yea just one, did you know that your an ass?" I asked sarcastically.

"I did know that." he replied."Ok so lets say our byes and you to leave cause i hate looking at your fucked up faces."

"That's fine cause I hate hearing the fucked up sound coming at your mouth. Is that your voice? You need to get that checked out cause that shit is abnormal."
Issaac breatged a laugh and walked uo to my face.

"Listen princess,this is my game and if your playing you sure as hell dont want to loose cause if you do. I'll make sure your put into hell."

"Baby I'm already in hell." he backed off and I smiled. I got into the car with Killian and he decided to drive. It was midnight when we left so i guessed we would make it by 6 with all the stops and stuff. After we got into the car we drove to this place i called The end.

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