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"Tyler, I'm tired."

"Yeah, me too. Maybe we shouldn't have played so much Mario Kart last night."

"No, Ty, that's not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I mean... I'm tired of all this, I guess."

"All this? But... this is everything we've ever wanted, Josh. We're living our dream!"

"Yeah, I know... It's just... Sometimes I feel like this dream has turned into a nightmare for me. I can see that you still love it. And it's not that I don't love it anymore, it's just... There's so much pressure, Ty. So many things to think about. We always have to be ready for an interview, for a photo shoot, for an award ceremony. We always have to smile for the cameras, for the paparazzi even. I can't go out without someone demanding things from me. It's just... man, I just want to play music. And I know I should like it, I know I should deal with it like you do..."


"Maybe I'm not like you. Maybe I'm not made for this. Maybe... I don't know, maybe you'll do just as good without me?"


I know, i know, this is short. But it's just a short flashback for you guys while I'm still writing the next chapter. I'll try to post that tonight, tomorrow at max. 

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