A dense and frightful darkness

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A/N: ok first of all I am very proud of this chapter. Second of all, If you do not feel comfortable with child abuse then skip the first section of the weird writing part. Ok enjoy!

"You're just a miserable piece of trash!"
"No one will ever want you."
"You are NOTHING!"
"Homely, freckled, red headed witch!"
"I guess you are like what everyone says. You are just trash and a witch. I don't even know why I wanted to become friends with you."
"NO! Please don't hurt me! I'll be good I promise! I'll be good!" Anne yelled in between sobs. Then, thwack! Mr. Hammond's belt gets Anne right in the back which makes her cry even more.
"Please stop, please!" She said in between even more sobs.
"You have not done any of your chores!" Whack! "You have been misbehaving!" Whack! "You don't listen!" Whack! "You are alw-" right as Mr. Hammond was going in for his last whack he froze. Wouldn't speak. Wouldn't move. Wouldn't talk. Wouldn't blink. He was just frozen. Then he collapsed. Anne looked down at him, grabbing his shoulder and shaking him as if trying to wake him up.
"Mr. Hammond?" Anne shook him some more. She noticed he wasn't breathing. She immediately started to panic.
"MRS.HAMMOND!" Anne screamed.
"MRS.HAMMOND!" She screamed again until the woman finally walked out of the house to see what was happening. She stood on the porch, looking angry as ever. She then noticed her husband face down into the ground. Anne began to sob again, feeling the pain on her back. Mrs. Hammond too began to sob, for her husband of course. Anne slowly reached up to her back where she had been whacked numerous times with the belt. She then brought her hand back in front of her only to see blood. She looked up at Mrs. Hammond. Watching her cry for her husband. Mrs.Hammond then looked at Anne, pointed a finger at her and screaming "YOU DID THIS!" Anne sat frozen, staring at her, silent sobs escaping from her.
"I-I didn't do anything." She whispered but loud enough for Mrs. Hammond to hear.
"No I didn't!"
"You are going back to that orphanage where you belong you piece of trash!"

Suddenly she was at the orphanage. No one was there but Gilbert who was standing a few feet away. Staring at her. Anne started walking towards him opening her arms to hug him. But Gilbert pushed her back.
"What do you think you're doing?" He said in disgust.
"What do you mean I thought we were friends?" Gilbert sarcastically chuckled.
"Us? Friends? Why would I hang out with trash like you. No one will ever want you. You know that right? NO ONE." Anne started to tear up.
"But you wanted to be my friend. You even said it two days ago."
"Why would I want that. You are the ugliest, the most annoying, the most disgusting thing I have ever seen." Anne froze. Not knowing what to say or do. But then she turned and ran. She ran and ran until all she could see was white.

Anne woke up to the orphanage bells ringing as loud as they possibly could. She sat up abruptly, sweat dripping down her face. She quickly wiped it off before any of the girls could see it, got dressed, and hurried down the stairs. Just then Gilbert walked up next to her. Anne could not and would not make eye contact with him, too scared that that nightmare might be real.

"Hey." Gilbert said calmly. He got no response back from Anne. Even during breakfast when he sat across from her. She kept her head down not saying anything.

And that's how it was for the rest of the week. She would slightly glance at him but then quickly look away, too afraid to see that disgusted look on his face that she saw in her nightmare. Gilbert on the other hand had no idea why she was acting the way she was acting. He was only getting more and more frustrated until that next Thursday during their free time he finally did something about it. Anne was sitting in a bench in a corner, head down, eyes down on her lap, fiddling with her fingers when Gilbert walked right up to her. Anne could see his shoes but still wouldn't look up at him. He grabbed her chin and lifted it up looking at pink puffy eyes. 'Has she been crying?' He thought.

That was the first time they had made eye contact in a while.

"Anne. What's wrong? You have been ignoring me for a while week. You haven't said a single word. You have not even smiled. Please. Tell me what's wrong so I can fix it. Was it something I did?" He asked Anne shook her head. It was something he did her dream.

"Was it something I said?" Get another head shake.

"Just tell me then. Because I'm tired of you not talking to me." Anne realized how gentle his voice was and calmed down. The only thing was, she had sort of forgotten how to speak for a moment since she hadn't spoken in a week. Once she finally remembered how to pronounce words, she took a second before speaking.

"Remember the first day I stopped talking to you?" Gilbert nodded.

"Well the night before that, I had a really bad nightmare." She looked over at him only to see that he was making a face that told her to go on. And she did go on. Telling him her entire dream. Once she finished she looked up at Gilbert, seeing a surprised and slightly angry facial expression.

"Please say something." Anne said sadly.

"I- I just- how- why would you think that I would do that to you?" Anne looked down again before speaking.

"My whole life, people come in to it. They disrespect me very cruelly, they treat me cruelly. It's like I become their free servant. And then they Toss me out like I'm a piece of trash. Even here. I was friends with that girl that is always cruel to me. But then she became popular around here and all of a sudden I am a homely, freckled, witch." Anne noticed that Gilbert wasn't going to say anything and continued.

"And after I had that dream; I-I just thought that it might be true so I stayed away thinking that it wouldn't hurt so much if it was true." Gilbert felt so bad for her. She was only eight years old and she had already been through all of this.

"You know? You are the strongest, smartest, most imaginative, talented girls I have ever seen. Even through all that has happened to you. And I am so sorry for making you think that I would do that to you. I would never want to put you through that again." Anne looked up at Gilbert with a small genuine smile.

"Ya know. I was in the depths of despair all week, and just by hearing those words, I think you just cured me from them." Gilbert was happy.

"Well we can just say that I am your cure to your depths of despair. And you are the same for me."

"Ok you went a little too far there buddy." They both started laughing.

"We're getting there though." Anne concluded. She felt so much better around Gilbert, safe is the word. She never knew that she would feel safe with someone. And yet here she was, feeling that with Gilbert Blythe.
(A/N) chapter done! I don't know about you guys but I am proud of this one. Anyways, will try to post the next chapter as fast as possible. Does anyone else get school work every day? Anyways, please vote and comment and I will see you in the next chapter. Bye!
-shirbert lover

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