I'll stand by you

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    It's been over a month since Gilbert has arrived and made friends with Anne. They have gotten a lot closer and learned a lot about each other. Anne learned that they indeed are the same age. Gilbert is just a month older than her. Anne has also learned that Gilbert is from Alberta.

"Oh how I wish to go somewhere out of Prince Edward Island." Anne said with an exasperated sigh.

"The mountains there are beautiful. I hope to go there again someday when I get older."

"Don't speak anymore of it. I don't want you to spoil it for me." She said looking away and putting a hand in front of Gilbert's face.

"Well then I probably should tell you more." He said with a raised eyebrow. They both look at each other with the same facial expression. Then all of a sudden they burst into joyous laughter.
In the corner of their eyes they can see a group of girls walking up to where they are seated. It's that same group of girls that hassled Anne. Gilbert didn't know that yet.

"Hello Gilbert." One of the girls said.

"Uh, hey?" He said uncomfortably. All the girls looked at Anne and then back at Gilbert.

"Why are you hanging out with that red headed witch?" The same girl said in disgust." Gilbert looked at Anne softly,then back at that girl angrily.

"First off; she is not a witch. And second off; why not?"

"Cause she's loud and annoying and she ruins everything for everyone!"

"To be honest, she is not that loud. And even if she was, I wouldn't mind it. Also she is not annoying ."

"Whatever." The girl said rolling her eyes and walking away with her group of girls. Once they turn the corner Gilbert finally speaks again.

"How could they say that to you?"

"Because it's true."

"No it is not true."

"Yes it is! I am loud and annoying! And I do ruin everything for everyone! I probably even lost your chance at getting any other friends here."

"Well I'd rather have one really nice and easy to talk to friend than a bunch of friends who don't even really care." Anne puts her head down.


"Why what?"

"Everyone in the orphanage hates me. Why don't you?" Gilbert gently lifted her head up to look at him.

"You're different and unique. That's what I like about you."

Anne slightly smiled, realizing that no one has ever said that to her before. She turned a light shade of crimson at the thought of him calling her unique. she pulled him into a tight hug that startled him at first but then he wrapped his hands around her small waist. feeling very comfortable.

"Thank you Gilbert. no one has ever said that to me." she whispered into his ear while still hugging him. while she pulled away she gave him a quick peck on the cheek which made Gilbert turn the same shade as Anne's hair. Anne sat silent thinking about something. she stayed like that for a couple of seconds. then she finally looked up at him to talk again.

"Come, follow me. I want to show you something." she said quietly, looking around to make sure no one was looking. Anne grabbed Gilbert's arm and rushed up the stairs, and then up another flight of stairs in which Gilbert did not know about.

After a few minutes of walking they finally stopped in front of a very old, run down door. Anne finally turned around and looked at him with determination in her eyes. she help up her pinky finger right in front of her chest. looking down at his hand that was down by his side and then spoke.

"I am about to show you something that is very important to me. do you pinky swear not to tell a soul about what you are about to see?" She asked with expectant eyes. Gilbert nodded his head.

"Now repeat after me. I, Gilbert Blythe, promise to not tell a soul about what I am about to see." Gilbert interlocked pinkies with her, then repeated what she had said.

"I, Gilbert Blythe, promise not to tell a soul about what I am about to see." Anne nodded her head in approval, turned around and opened the door. Inside was an over-top window that shown light through. there was a tiny ladder that was leading up to that window. It didn't have much to it but at the same time it felt so open and home like. Anne slowly walked over to underneath the the ladder, nelt down, lifted up a floor board, and took out a stack of tiny papers with bits of writing on it. Gilbert waled over to it and stuck his hand out as if he ws asking to look at them. Anne handed them over to him and Gilbert proceeded to read them out loud.

"The air was damp where Princess Cordelia was held captive. Constant dark had made her lose sight of her senses. The threat to her sanity and personage loomed large,but so did the surety that she would be rescued from this horrid place." He slightly smiled at the small story that she had wrote and continued to read another one. "Cordelia, with raven hair that had once been the color of carrots, laughed as she escaped through the haunted woods. Captive once more, she stole away to the tower to write her tale, knowing that once again, they'd not be able to hold her long." Gilbert looked up at Anne's hair, then looked back down at the stories and smiled to himself.

"What are you smiling about over there?" Anne asked, seeing a smile growing on his face.

"I never realized this before." he said then pausing again. Anne started to get a tad bit irritated.

"Well what is it?"

"You're hair is like carrots." he said calmly yet happily. that really ticked Anne off.

"Don't ever talk about my hair again. It is the bane of my existence. My hair is such an awful color I even hate to look at myself in a mirror." she said not so happily and calmly.

"What are you talking about? I think your hair is beautiful carrots." Gilbert said with a smirk. Anne didn't know if she should be happy that he called her hair beautiful or mad because he just called her "Carrots." She could feel her blood boiling at the thought of what he said. but then she started to slightly blush at the thought of him calling her hair beautiful.

"how could you call my hair beautiful? It's ugly and disgusting."

"Well how could say that stuff about yourself? Your hair is beautiful and and unique. Also even though I never got to meet my mom, my dad would always say that she had red hair and it was the most beautiful color of hair that he had ever seen. And I think the same about your hair."

Anne had calmed down after what he had said. She felt bad that he never got to meet his mother. At least he got to know his father. Anne didn't get to meet her parents at all. Gilbert on the other hand, had started to slightly cry at the thought of his parents. Anne looked over to him at the sound of light sobs. She walked over to him and wrapped him in a tight hug. Gilbert hugged her just as tight and maybe even tighter.

"I know just how you feel. You feel all alone and tiny. It's not fair at all. No one should be treated like this. No one." And before she knows it, Anne is crying just as much as Gilbert. And so they stood there hugging each other as tight as the could for support, sobbing into each others' shoulders.
A/N: Chapter three is done!! I am so proud and happy with this one. Hope you guys like it just as much as I do. anyways, the next chapter will be posted as soon as possible. Please comment and Vote and i'll see you guys in the next chapter! Bye

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