Not so happy surprise

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Gilbert's POV.
This morning I woke up with a smile on my face. Mainly because of one thing. Anne's birthday was tomorrow! I was so excited. The only thing was, I didn't know what to do for her. I know for a fact though that we would be making flower crowns like my birthday. I wish I could go into Charlotte town to buy her a book or something but we weren't allowed off of the property. I could make something for her. It might not be good but at least I made it from the heart. And then it hit me. The perfect gift for her. I smiled to myself being happy with my decision.

"Hey kid, you better hurry up and get ready. The caregivers hate it when we're late." One of the kids that was close said to me.

"Thanks for the heads up." I replied back before hurrying to get ready. I ran downstairs, looking around for certain redhead. I finally spot her and run up behind her.

"Hello carrots." I say while messing with her braids. She quickly turns around slightly startled with an angry face.

"You scared me!" She yelled but all I did was laugh causing her to laugh too.

"So. I heard someone's birthday is tomorrow." I said while wiggling my eyebrows.

"It's not that big of a deal."

"Oh yes it is."

"No seriously. All my life my birthdays have just been like every normal day. No one even knows it's my birthday. Well, besides you."

"Well it's a big deal to me. You were the only one that went and talked to me while I was crying. Plus, you did do something for my birthday."

"Well that's different because you probably always got birthdays so I wanted to keep it close to the same as every year for you. But I'm serious, please don't do anything huge or anything at all for my birthday."

"I'm still giving you a birthday present."

"Please. Don't."

"Too late I already made it." No I didn't. I just didn't want to give her a choice.

"Oh gosh." She finished and we went on with our day like any normal one. But tomorrow wasn't going to me any normal one because it would be Anne's birthday. And I don't care what she says, I am still going to celebrate it with her.
It had been about four in the morning when I had gotten up to make Anne's present. Thankfully no one was awake so I could easily get around. I just had to be very quiet. I made Anne's present with a smile on my face, excepts on the parts where I got frustrated. Either way when I finished, I felt very proud of myself and very excited to give Anne her present in the morning. I decided to go back to sleep so that I wouldn't be as tired when I have to start getting ready for the day. And as I lay down, I think of how the day will go.
3rd person POV:
When Gilbert woke up, he was still a little tired from getting up earlier but felt a lot better. He got up, got ready, and met with Anne at the stairs.

"Happy birthday carrots." He said once he saw her. Anne gave him a smile.

"Thanks." She replied back.

"So. How was your sleep?" Gilbert asked not yet bringing up anymore birthday stuff yet.

"Why I had the most lovely night in my bed with my mattress that was oh so comfortable." She said with a sarcastic tone.

"Same. I was up early just so that I could finish up your present, which I will give to you after breakfast."

"Why? Why do you have to make my birthday a big deal?"

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