Chapter 3: Meeting David's Family and Santa Fe

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David was done with running and wanted to take Les home.

"I'm not running any further," David said as Jack led him, Abby, and Les inside. "I want some answers."
"Shh," Jack said.
"Who was he and why was he chasing you? And what is this Refuge," David asked.
"The Refuge is a jail for kids. That guy chasin' me was Snyder, the warden," Jack answered.

"You were in jail," Les asked.
"Yeah," Jack replied.
"Why," Les asked.

"I'd like to know why too," Abby said.

"Well, I was starvin', so I stole some food," Jack said.
"Food," David asked.
"Yeah, food," Jack answered.
"He called you Sullivan," David said.
"Well, my name's Kelly. Jack Kelly. You think I'm lyin'," Jack asked.
"Well, you have a way of improving the truth. Why was he chasing you," David asked.
" 'Cause I escaped," Jack replied.
"Oh boy! How," Les asked.
"Well, this big shot gave me a ride out in his carriage," Jack answered.
"I bet it was the mayor," David said.
"No, Teddy Roosevelt. You ever heard of him," Jack asked.

"What's going on there? Out! Out! Out," Medda said while walking over to the four of them.
"You wouldn't kick me and Abby out without a kiss goodbye, would you, Medda," Jack asked.
"Oh, Kelly and Taylor. Where have ya been, kids? Oh, I miss seeing you two up in the balcony," she replied as she hugged Jack and Abby.
"Hangin, on your every word," Jack said.

"So Medda," Abby said.
"Yes," she said.
"This is David and Les," Abby said while pointing to the brothers.

"Hello," Medda told them.

"And this is the greatest star of the vaudeville stage today, Miss Medda Larkson, the Swedish Meadowlark," Jack said.

"Welcome, gentlemen," Medda said.

"Medda also owns the joint," Jack said.

"Oh, what do we have here? Oh, aren't you the cutest thing that ever was? Yes, you are," Medda said while fawning over Les.
"Buy me last pape, lady," Les asked while faking a cough.
"Oh, you are good. Oh, yes, this kid is really good. Speaking as one professional to another, I'd say you have a bright future," Medda replied.

"So, is it alright if we stay here for a little while, Medda? Just until a little problem outside goes away," Jack said.
"Sure, stay as long as you like. Toby, just give my guests whatever they want," she said as she walked on stage.

Jack, Abby, David, and Les headed to an area backstage where they could see Medda perform.

My lovey-dovey baby, I boo-hoo-hoo for you.
I used to be your tootsie-wootsie.
Then, you said 'toodle-dedoo'.
I miss the hanky-panky each nighty-night 'til three.
Come back, my lovey-dovey baby.
And coochie-coo with me!

After the show, Jack, Abby, David, and Les walked out. They were talking about the show.

"Oh, it's getting late. My parents must be worried. What about yours," David asked.
"My parents are dead and my grandparents want nothing to do with me," Abby answered.

"Nah, they're out west lookin' for a place to live, like this," Jack said while pulling out a brochure for Santa Fe. "See, that's Santa Fe, New Mexico, as soon as they find the right ranch, they're gonna send for me."
"Then, you'll be a real cowboy," Les said.
"Yup," Jack said.

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