fourteen !

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my heart sinks as i watch chase walk away. i know this is going to be the end of my relationship, friendships, and the life of living in California. i freeze in place as chase locks eyes with me through the window, smirking seeing what he has done to me. He strives to ruin me and ruin my only way to forget the past. i used to love the way he made me feel but dixie has changed that feeling of fake, past love and has exchanged it for real love. however, i'm now leaving her. i have to leave her for the sake of everyone. my heart hurts for her and the pain she will soon feel but i will one day fight for her sake.  

my phone buzzes on the coffee table and i flip it to see text messages all from dixie. 

"hey vally, where are you?" 

"can't wait to see you, hope you're okay!" 

i take a quick look at the texts from earlier in the day when we were happy, didn't have any thought in the world. were so close to starting a relationship we were ready for. but that had to be stopped by the devil himself. i response with a quick hi and tell her there was a distraction at the starbucks that caused the drinks to be a little behind. 

there definitely was a distraction but it wasn't behind the counter. i get up and walk out the door, drinks in hand wondering how i'm going to break the news to dixie. how i would describe the heartbreak she is going to experience, maybe i shouldn't even tell her i'm going to leave. maybe i shouldn't even tell anyone. 

i get in my car and drive admiring the beauty that surrounded me and what i will soon be leaving. i think and think to the point where my brain is just running back to the same old idea, not to tell anyone. as bad as the idea is what other choice do i have, everyone will try to fight for me when there is no use. chase will literally destroy me and everyone in his way. this is his way of loving me, the way he's showing he is the only one who can mess with me. even though it is his own twisted way. 

i pull into the driveway of the hype house grabbing all of my stuff. my almost put together life is broken apart once again. i walk to the arching front door and before i could even lift my hand to leave a knock on the door the door is yanked open by a dark haired girl who pretty much drags me into the large house. 

"valentina!" dixie yells pulling me into a hug while the people around us laugh at how excited she is. i pull away with my arms still wrapped around her neck and put the biggest smile i can with my mind running what felt like 40 miles. "hi love." 

i say quick hellos to everyone who is by the entrance way of the house right before dixie pulled me right up the stairs. i giggle as she strives her way through the long and stretched a long amount of distance. she looks back at me giving me a smile while opening the door and pulling me in the room. she grabs her drink from my hand and yanks me down on her bed. 

"someones clingy today." i joke and she gives me a side eye while pulling me into her arms all over again. "well i missed you, i haven't seen you in so long." 

she starts to move farther up the bed leaving me to sit by myself at the edge of the bed. she looks at me with tired eyes and i catch myself making my way up the bed to cuddle her. 

i give her a kiss and she lays her head on my chest mumbling on and on for how long she wished we could do this and how the drama is so overrated. i agree with her and she took only a few minutes to fall into a sleep i know i wouldn't disturb if i was moving. 

i reach in my back pocket and pull out my phone so i could text my mom. the one person i could trust in this moment, the one person who will really have an idea to where i'm going. 

she answers almost immediately telling me she will book the closets fight from today not questioning what is happening due to the fact from what i told her and what she has seen all over her social media. 

i lay my head on top of dixie's and sigh trying to figure out what exactly to tell dixie or what my escape the hype house plan will be. 


hi loves! this chapter is longer than my usual ones and is very unedited so i will definitely be coming back and editing it a little over the next few days. 

also this book will be over in 2-3 chapters, it's sad for it to end but there is definitely a sequel on my mind! 


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