chapter two: answers and hiding

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I remember seeing red right before I blacked out

I really should've tried to stop my injury maybe I would've gotten away and been safe

I heard the same familiar voices
When I was fully conscious I dared not to move, instead I just pretended to be asleep or whatever I was doing before

I didn't hear anyone talking or near name the voices seemed to be far away then

In one swift motion

I pushed myself into a sitting position it was a mistake, the sudden movement caused my head to start spinning I placed a hand on my head hoping it would help to stop the spinning and throbbing war inside my head

"I would take it easy" donnie said as he was looking at me

Nope I'm not alone

I realized I was bandaged

"How are you feeling?"
As donnie checks my temperature and crap
"Do you have a headache? How are your wounds holding up? Do you feel nauseous at all?"
"I feel nauseous after all those questions"

The room fell silent for a moment before they all started laughing

Turning around I saw the rest of the turtles behind me

It was the first time seeing them up close

"Well then after that burn I don't think I wanna heal you"
"You'd really let your patient die after a joke doctor don? Wow your sensitive"

As I slouch into the couch in criss cross apple sauce position

"Alright enough of this"

They all fell silent listening to Leo's orders

I need to jot this down

Leo held up my journal in front of my face

"Care to explain?"

I grab it and jotted down what I witnessed

• turtles listened to Leo's order, which means hes most likely the leader of the group

I flip through some pages

"Basically one night when I was on the roof looking for kraang tech and stuff I saw you guys defeating this guy"

A picture of them with Baxter stockman

"'I took interest in the four of you since I've never seen anything like you guys plus it wasn't scientifically possible at first then I did my research, I couldn't find anything so I did the next best thing, break into a kraang secret base and that's how I found out about mutagen and stole parts for inventing."

*after more explanation*

"Okay.. but how did you find out about the kraang?"

"oh.. I was almost kidnapped then I began attacking and I cut them to reveal metal instead of flesh and uh.. hm. I think they also mentioned something about something called. Shredd-er?"

I see their eyes widen

"This does not sound good."

"Indeed leonardo."

Another voice said, it wasn't either of them. I turned around seeing a giant rat person, I flinch back a bit before he speaks again

"The shredder seems to want you, and if he wants you he will stop at nothing untill he has you."
"Um well. What do you think I should do then? Just hide?"
"Yes. Here"

"Wait. What? No I can't stay here as much I would love to I have responsibilities on the surface"

Lies. I just wanna go back my place I have so much inventions and stuff I need

"'It is too dangerous for you up there and with the kraang after you as well you must remain here"
"Splinters right"

I sigh in annoyance

At least I get to be close to raph the sexy boy
I smirk at the thought

"And raph will show you your guest room"

I glanced back at him, expecting him to have another anger fit, to my suprise he just nodded and began to walk

I quickly grabbed my bag and began following him

"I expected you to have a mini anger tantrum what happened?"

He stayed silent, and just kept walking.

This was new.

When we got there I was suprised by how clean it was but it looked so basic, I turned around to ask for food but instead I saw leo

"Uh did you and raph teleport or something?"

A chuckle escaped his mouth as he leaned against the door arms crossed

"Not exactly he just doesn't get well with people he doesn't know"

"I can tell."

"'But I've been meaning to ask you."

Silence filled the room while I waited patiently for his question

"You practice martial arts right?"

a promise (tmnt 2012) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now