chapter ten space heros and dinner

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It was a normal evening at the hamatos residence

Mikey, donnie, and raph were out to get pizza

Casey and April were studying at her place

Leona was in the dojo playing with spike, taping the leaf to his tail making him walk in circles trying to eat it while failing miserably

She was such a sadist

Suddenly she heard the space heros progam start, even though her and Leo's friendship has been ruined that didn't stop her from watching space heros

She then placed lettuce all over spike plenty for him to eat as she headed out to the lounge seeing leo in his seat

She slowly made her away and sat behind him and watched it without him knowing her presence was there

Abour fifteen minutes in he felt someone watching him so he turned around flinching at the sight of her

   "Damn am I that scary?" Giggling slightly
   "The hell? How long you've been there"
   "'Long enough now shh this is the best part" as she continued to watch the show

He was about to attack her when the boys finally showed up

   "Babe! What took you so long Leo was about to attack me when I was just tryna watch a damn show"

    "Not my fault your a lazy fatass" chuckling

    "Hm? Was that a request for no cuddles?"
   "Uh no my queen" as he bowed
   "'Much better" as she snatched the pizza box from his hands

Leo just glared at her slightly before digging in

   "Leo can we watch something else?" As mikey tries to snatch the remote

   "No way! This is a special episode!" As he backs up trying to get away from oranges grubby hands

   "Mikey you can choose what we watch tomorrow" with her mouth stuffed with pounds of cheese

   "Yay!" As he jumped back onto his bean bag

The blue leader rolled his eyes as he grabbed another pizza only to find his hand on top of Leonas

She quickly grabbed the last slice before he could laughing a bit

   "You bitch that was mine!"
   "Guess your too slow-"
   "That's it!!!" As he suddenly began to attack her

She quickly dodged his punch
   "Someones angry" as she placed her hand over her taser

   "'Beat him up babe!" As raph watched with interest

She then ran at her with his sword, she didn't dodge in time and he sliced her cheek

  "Dude! I can't believe youd hit a lady" mikey yells while nibbling on his pizza

   "Ya know you'd guys be great help if you restrained him"
   "Nah it's fun seeing him make a fool of himself" as he gulps down a big bite of pizza

Rolling her eyes playfully she pulled out her taser and hitting him right where it hurts most

After that smoke began coming out of him as he fell to the ground

   "Now let's take care of that wou-"
   "And miss space heros? No way" as she plopped herself next to raph

   "Fine we'll do it here" as donnie quickly headed to his lab to grab the first aid

Raph then looked at her and she did as well, placing a rough kiss against her lips

   "Knew you could kill him loser"
As he ruffled her hair after the kiss

She playfully stuck her tongue at him

Suddenly a pain shot through her cheek
   "Ow! Be careful"
   "Wouldn't hurt so much if you stayed still"
   "Shouldve warned me you teleported back here"

He sighed in the comeback war defeated as he continued to clean her wound and bandaid it

That night

Was surely an interesting one

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