chapter four: just a tip

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*third pov FOREVER*

They ran around the dojo until master splinter came in to start the session

Leona decided to sit down in front of the tree to watch their sparring

Donnie and raph were facing each other
Mikey and Lee were facing each other
And they bowed at the same time

Getting into stance

Donnie griped his staff tightly facing raph, who smirked back at him, doing the finger intertwine trick with his sais


Then they started to spar

Raph moved a little slower than usual because he pulled an all nighter training session

He dodged as donnie swung his staff at him making him smile in victory as he grabbed the staff and made him stab himself in the eye.
    "Ha got you there brainiac!"

   "Leona?" She turned to look at the rat man

   "Could you please take my place for a bit I have to do something."
   "Of course" she stood up as he left and stood in his place feeling like the master.

Donnie swung a kick but raph didn't dodge in time as donnie's foot collided with raphs plastorm.

He fell back wheezing a bit but quickly recovered and planned his next move

Swinging his sai at him only to be blocked by his staff and swung another kick.

He dodged that one this time but his left sai got knocked out of his hand by donnie's staff.

He quickly flipped it to his dominant hand glancing at Leona to make sure shes watching he faintly smiles but no one notices thankfully

He got distracted
And suddenly-


Everyone gasped knowing what would happen next, donnie quickly started to back away slowly

Raph looked at the broken sai in his hands
And felt his blood start to boil with rage

Mikey and leo suddenly stopped sparring and tried to respond to the situation that was to come

   "R-raph restrain youself-"
   "Out of my way." As he shoved leo back
    "Raph! It wasn't on purpose I accidentally activated the sharp thing!"

   "Don't you know how hard these are to patch up?!

As he pushed donnie making him hit a wall

He backed himself into a corner

The two quickly grabbed his arms to hold him back

   "It was an accident! Stop over reacting!"
   "WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD MAKE ACTUAL USEFUL INVENTIONS THAT DON'T BREAK!" As raph yanked away from them and towered over donnie

With one last glare he threw his broken sais away and stormed to his room

The three looked at each other and Leo was the first to say something

   "Donnie he didn't mean-"
He only pushed his hand away and turned away

   "I'm gonna be in the lab if you need me."

The young genius said as he quickly walked past the worried glances from his friend and family.

He walked into his lab slowly shutting the door behind him.

Slowly made his way to his desk and slumped down in his chair, placing his elbows on the hard smooth surface burying his face in them.

Staying that way.

a promise (tmnt 2012) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now