chapter fifteen symptons

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Barely waking up, she struggled to sit up in bed, the soreness in her hips almost stopping her she turned to around to see her boyfriend sleeping soundly

She smiled giving him a kiss and sat up picking up her clothes and walked into his washroom

Slowly putting them on being careful with her sore hips

As she was about to leave she got a sudden feeling of nausea, placing a hand over her mouth heading over to the toilet and began throwing up

She didn't know why she felt this way or how-

"Leona are you okay in there?"

As he continued to knock on her door

"Do I sound okay doofus?"

As she slowly got up and opened the door placing her head onto his plastorn

He slowly lifted her chin grinning a bit

"Is it because you swallowed too much cum darling?~"

She covered herself in her hands blushing even more


He slightly laughs as he kisses her

"You know I'm right!"
"Maybe we could do round 40-"
"Come on you know I'm right"
"....maybe. let's just get some food or im gonna puke again"

He nods as he holds her waist as they make their way to the kitchen

"Morning guys!" As mikey greeted them with eggs and toast

She silently stared at her plate not really wanting to smell it, it was revolting to her

She suddenly felt sick again, she sat up and ran to the bathroom

(Psst what do you think is happening to Leona?)

*few weeks later*

She slowly stared at her test results panic settling in

It was positive

Shes pregnant with raphs child

She couldn't believe it, she didn't want to, raph will definitely leave her

Of course he'd leave her he has anger problems and never even wants kids to begin with.

"Dudette! Open up! Hurry I ate too much cheese" mikey whines as he pounded on the door

She quickly grabbed the test and zipped it up in her pocket running our of the washroom

Suddenly muscular arms wrapped around her waist

"Babe.. come cuddle with me."

She slowly breathed as she responded

"'S. Sure." Faintly smiling as she followed him to his room

He laid down waiting for his small spoon

She slowly got on as he pulled her in, she slowly began to feel sad as this was their last cuddle and moments as a couple together as she made her decision.

a promise (tmnt 2012) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now