chapter seven: first date

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She stood up feeling a bit too fancy since he might take her to do skateboarding or parkour on the rooftops

Her red dress slim at the top as well off the shoulders and poofy at the bottom

Her room light making all the glitter gleam and shine all around the room

Minimal makeup with red glitter lipgloss

Her hair half up half down

She was a bit nervous considering shes never dated anyone and the fact that  shes going on a date with a mutated turtle, it was..

The first time she ever took off her hood and mask

She didn't know how to feel about her eyes or face


She quickly shot her head around to face the red turtle blushing a bit

   "I was supposed to meet you silly"
   "Couldn't wait" as he made his way over to her and offered a hand

   "Do the others even know?"
   "No that's why they're all asleep in the lounge and we're sneaking out"

As he kissed her hand and lead them towards the entrance

   "'Also. First time seeing you without your mask. You look beautiful"

She grinned a bit as a thank you

Leona has been living with them for at least four weeks and the smell is now growing on her

Once they made it to the ladder raph then bowed to her using his right hand to point to the ladder

   "Ladies first"
   "Who knew you were such a gentlemen"
    "Oh just wait until you see me in bed"

Leona blushed so hard at the thought
   "Just jokes- illletyoubelievetheirjokes"

She rolled her eyes playfully

   "Close your eyes for me darlin"
   "Only doing it cuz your so nice today"

Shutting her eyelids a bit nervous about what hes gonna do

He picked her up bridal style and jumped and ran to the rooftops

Within four minutes they were at their destination, gently placing her down and holding her eyes

   "Open them in three. Two. One. open"

She opened her eyes to witness the most beautiful and romantic thing

A late night picnic with red blankets and a radio playing soft jazzy romantic sounds

And fiary lights to top it off

   "Oh golly. The blankets are so soft!"

As she began to lay in them staring at the stars

   "Come on get up arent you hungry?"

As he opened up the basket taking out the huge plastic container of cupcakes  and sweets

The sweet smell made her shot her eyes open and sit up immediately

   "Oh my gosh! Yummm"

As she quickly took five of each and started to munch on them cutely

He chuckled as he took one of each and munched on them like a man

And soon after most of them were gone

Raph then stood up and offered a hand, she quickly wiped the crumbs off her and accepted it

He then held her right hand and her waist

   "Let's do a little dancing shall we my flower?"

She nodded with gleam

They happily danced into the night laughing and smiling


A sudden clicking and robotic sounds made them stop in their tracks, they both loom towards the sound as raph immediately set Leona safely on the ground

The kraang.

   "The ones called Leona and rapheal. Will exterminate"

When one motion he grabbed her picked her up and threw one of his sais at them, turns out it was one big group

   "hey Leona throw a dagger at them if you want to be my girlfriend-"


He smirked then pulled out his t phone and sped dialed the guys


after that he hung up and set Leona down and took his other sai out

   "I'm sorry raph! I don't have my other weapons or my tech!"

   "Its okay I can protect my princess."

She silently cursed at herself, them suddenly a metallic hand grabbed her hair

   "Ah! Help!" As she began to struggle in pain

He quickly turned around and threw his sai through the robot and he immediately let go, she then fell into his muscular arms

He then stood up into a fighting position standing his ground

They were cornered and were basically done for

Until a sword stabbed through at least ten of them and the rest of the gang followed

   "YOU GUYS ARE LATE!" Raph screeched at them as he looked for his sais

   "Soooo whens the wedding Leona?"

As leo smirked at her

   "Shut up and protect me!"
   "Don't you know how to fight?" As Leo kicked a kraang bot

   "Eh I feel like being a damsel in distress"

They all continued to fight off the bots
She watched raph with heart eyes just admiring his toughness and buffiness and sexiness

But she didn't see the kraang right behind her about to knock her out

a promise (tmnt 2012) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now