chapter thirteen snap

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   "Babe! What's going on?!"

As he tried to help calm her, she quickly turned around her eyes flicking red and blue

   "I.. I don't know!" As she tried to reach out for him but it grabbed a cabinet and threw it at him

She quickly threw her hand back making it throw back at her

Dodging it she hid her hands in despair and distress

   "Leona! Restrain yourself!" Donnie yelled out from behind one of the cabinets he was hiding from

   "I-im trying!" As she tried to stop her sudden powers from destroying their home

   "Maybe you should kill yourself and maybe that'll OW"mikey snacking Leo

Suddenly she began to get angry she moved her hands without thinking throwing a grenade at where Leo was hiding, they quickly dodged it

She slowly lifted into the air her hair slowly floating around

The wind pressure getting stronger as it started to cause more damage

   "LEONA!" she turned towards the sound tears floating out of her eyes

She witnessed the most painful thing

His eyes filled with concern, fear, and worry his body language full of determination

   "please. Stop this.."

She stared at him for a few moments finally feeling calm and suddenly it all stopped

She fell to the ground breathing heavily, she sat up looking at the damage she's caused

Ruined papers water all over the place

Destroyed cabinets and tech, she looked towards the four as they checked on each other

She suddenly stood up as her eyes were still flickering red

   "'Leona its okay.. your okay" as donnie slowly tried to approach her

She shot her head up at donnie

She began to back away slowly

   "No. Stay away..!"
   "Leona.. its ok-"
   "NO IT ISN'T!" as her power suddenly caused the light bulbs to break

Gasping at another damage she backed away some more before finally running out of the lab and to her room.

a promise (tmnt 2012) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now