chapter three new friendships new feelings

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"Excuse me?"

"Well its just- I may or may not have looked at your weapons I'm just curious"

Taking me by surprise, it at least took me a few seconds to respond.

"Yeah I've been at it for about four years"


"And don't say your better than me because I know how cocky you can get, yes I know your better than me, you've been traing for almost your whole life so you don't need to rub it in."

Hs blue eyes widen in surprise almost about to wheeze as I smirked at him

"You really are a stalker huh?"
"Hey not my fault your mutants like I said curiosity gets the best of me"

As I stick my tongue at him making a face.

"Oh since I'm forced to stay here against my will can you go over to my apartment and grab literally everything in my room?"

"Can do prisoner"
As he did a thumbs up and I just slapped myself, hearing a laugh becoming distanced.

I sit down on the bed thinking about everything that happened

I really did meet them.
It's like meeting a celebrity
I wonder if they'll become famous one day.
That'd be fun

The next morning

The shuffling noises is what woke me up I opened my eyes to be greeted with donnie, he seemed excited and curious


I flinch back violently almost falling off the bed

"One. You interrupted my beauty sleep. Two you don't just stare at someone until the wake up"

"Well. We uh got you stuff and um"

As he moved a big box in front of me with all my tech and inventions

I sit up excited going through them

"yesssss I missed you tech so muchhhh"

I felt his eyes stare into my soul with glee I sigh

"Lemme guess you want some of them?"
"Well... yeah."

"We could share our stuff if ya want"

As I pick up some parts of the kraang I got the night I met them and placed them on the bed thinking what I could make with them. Donnie then sat beside me staring at it

"With these you can only make a simple advanced alien like weapon"
"Well sorry for being a fruad for a scientist"

I say disinterested, I go through the box some more and find a book about the kraangs tech

"Holy! Where did you find this?!"

As he snatches it from my hands flipping through some pages

"Stole it."

As I snatch it back from him

"Hey lovebir-"

I take my toy dagger and point it at raphs throat

Well sh-

"Not lovebirds just people interested in the same things."

"Yeah. Sure. Anyway mikey made breakfast"

And just left as if he wasn't scared


I was about to get up when donnie offered some help

I accept it and stand up right

"Let's go I don't want breakfast to get cold"

And he began to lead me to the kitchen by holding my hand

It was okay for a sewer and it actually distracted me from the repulsive smell

"MORNING GUYS!" A guy with dark brown hair a black and white bandana a dirty hoodie and he seems to be missing teeth, and was holding some orange hair girls waist.

They all sat down together donnie at my right raph at my left

Mikey passed the plates to everyone.

"Who are you?"
"'I could ask the same about you two"
"AH! soooo Leona. Casey and april Casey and April Leona."

They waved at me and I did the same

"LETS EAT!" Miket said loudly

Everyone started to dig in

I took a moment to stare at whatever was on my plate

"What am I gonna eat?" Staring at the food with curiosity"

"Pizza omelets! We all love pizza! We all love omelets!"

Miley gleamed with cheese all over him

I giggle a bit before actually cutting into it

And hesitantly shoving it in my mouth whole

Chewing a few times before stopping

What the...


I take another huge bite, it's so moith wateringly good! AND THE 1 POUND OF CHEESE MAKES IT EVEN BETTER UGHHHHH

"Hey Leona?"
"Hm?" I hum looking at Leo with my mouth full of cheese

"Wanna watch our sparring session?"

I shallow the cheese whole sadly

"Sure. Uh casey and april are you gonna watch them?"
"Nah we have school to head to"
"Oh." As I shove more of the delicious breakfast into my mouth

a promise (tmnt 2012) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now