chapter eight: secret's

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Suddenly she didn't see the kraang droid behind her, it knocked her out with a smack on the head with its elbow

Suddenly they all turned around and was about to shoot it when it lifted its gun towards her head

She began to bleed out

    "Why are the ones called the turtles protecting the shredders master piece?"

They looked at each other confused

   "What are you talking about?"

   "The one called Leona worked with master shredder, the one experiment called Leona will return to her master one way or an-"

Raphs sai shot through it, and the droid fell to its death, and he catched  Leona carrying her bridal style

   "We'll talk to her about what it said but right now she needs bandaging"

They all nodded and headed back to the lair immediately.


The events of the previous night was indeed unexpected and troubling to the team, despite his exhaustion donnie stayed up most of the night trying to fix some of his tech and kept a watch over Leona

It was the first time everyone saw her without her mask, well raph was the first to see her without it. Who knows what else he'll see her without.

There were few bruises and scratches on her forearms and chest and signs of infection to her head injury

Leo was in his room, he wanted to punch something of course what the kraang said was true but he didn't want to hear it, why would she work with the shredder? Why didn't she tell them? Weren't they friends?

He felt angrier at her each minute

Leona woke up in a sudden jolt she laid as still as possible in the bed staring at the bright light, she couldn't tell where she was for a while

She carely sat herself up and saw the lab

Sudden memories of last night popped up in her brain


   "Guys! Shes awake!"

She turned around to see donnie as he grabbed some chairs and went to her

The rest came bolting in, except for leo.

   "Thank goodness your Alive!"

As mikey hugged her tightly


Raph wasn't good at expressing his feelings yet so he just kissed her on her non injured side of her head

After that donnie checked her vitals and her breathing

   "So. Leona is there something you want to tell us?

Leo stated as he looked disinterested

    "I don't remember anything after being hit by a bus."


Donnie corrected

   "Leona lepon. The kraang told us that.. you worked with the shredder and you were his masterpiece."

It was a kick to her stomach
They've found out, but they were bound to find out sooner or later right?


As she looked down at her hands

   "Care to explain?" Leo said in annoyance

Raph slowly held her hand for some support

    "Well. That's true. But it's not what you exactly think sure I was in the foot but that was long before I discovered you guys. He paid me a lot to do things for him and-"

   "LIAR!" Leo suddenly sat up and started to grab her by the neck

Taking everyone by surprise


As splinter put pressure on his points making him stop, and he lead him to the dojo.

Leona was particularly gasping for air confused at what just happened.


As they all stared at her with a look she can't describe

   "So. Your mad at me I'm guessing no worries I'll just pack my stuff and-'

   "Nonononono it's not that- it's just! Uh were suprised but not mad plus it was like years ago."

She smiled and hugged them all one by one

   "... looks like me and Leo's friendship is ruined."

   "You have us!" As mikey floated his arms in the air as an attempt to cheer her up

She smiled slightly

   "Even though I just woke up I feel light headed so ima head"
   "Well the hit was quite hard so it can do it but we'll leave now"

   "I'll stay until you fall asleep."

As he started to stroke her hand softly while holding it

   "You don't have-"
   "Leo is mad at you who knows what he could do if I'm not here to protect you."

She faintly smiled admiring his overprotective self

   "Love you.." as she yawned and closed her eyes to rest

He then kissed her forehead

   "Love you too." As he stared at her hands so she wouldn't wake up by his curious eyes

And laid by her watching her

a promise (tmnt 2012) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now