Secrets revealed

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"Come on, Hermione." Pansy whined. "It's just one date." 

"No, Pansy." Hermione replied. "I really don't want or need a blinddate."

"You've been single for forever, Mione." Ginny said to her best friend. "It's not like you have a boyfriend or something. If you had, you wouldn't hear things like this from us anymore."

Then Pansy noticed something. "Hermione, is that sweater from you?" Pansy asked. "It's a men sweater." 

Hermione quickly turned around to see what Pansy was looking at. "Oh yeah. I bought it a couple weeks because it's very soft and perfect for a quiet evening." 

"I swear I saw Draco with exactly the same sweater a couple days ago." Pansy replied. 

"We should set Hermione up with him." Ginny squealed. "You two would be so cute together."

"I don't think that's necessary, Gin." Hermione said, flushing a bit red. "I really appreciate the effort and all but I don't want to go on a blinddate."

"Ooh, they'd be so cute together." Pansy squealed too. "Oh wait. Draco told me a couple weeks ago he had a girlfriend." 

"How cute!?" Ginny said. "Who?" 

"I don't know. He wouldn't tell me her name." Pansy frowned. "He just told me he had a girlfriend which he really liked. He told me she was very pretty and smart and loved reading. Draco loves reading too, so that's in her advantage." 

Hermione blushed at what Draco had told Pansy about her.

"Draco loves reading?" Ginny asked. "He doesn't really seem like the reading type." 

"He does." Hermione said without thinking. "He even has his own library in his apartment. In his bedroom is a door which leads to a library." 

"He has?" Pansy asked. "I didn't even know that."

"Wait a second." Ginny interrupted. "How do you know he has that at his apartment? We barely ever hang out there and we've never been inside his bedroom."

"Oh uhm.." Hermione muttered. "He told me once about it and showed me when I asked to see it." 

"That's nice of him." Pansy said and muttered. "He never shows me something when I ask to see it." 

"Lets talk about something else." Hermione said, changing the subject. "How are Blaise and Harry? I haven't seen them in forever." 

"Harry's good." Ginny replied. "He got promoted to head of the department last week. Oh now I think of it. Harry asked if you wanted to come to dinner with us, Ron and Lavender next week."

"Tell him I'll be there." Hermione said enthusiastic. "I really need to catch up with them. I've just been so busy these past weeks. When is it?" 

"We haven't decided on the date yet." Ginny replied. "Any dates you can't come?"

"Uh..Yes. I can't next Wednesday."  Hermione said to her best friend. "I'm going out for dinner with D- someone." 

"With who?" Pansy asked curiously. 

 "Who's name start with a D-? Any suggestio-?" Ginny started but was cut off by someone who apparated into Hermione's appartment. 

"Hermione!" A voice yelled. "Are you home?" 

"I'm in the living room." Hermione yelled back to the person. 

"Oh great." The voice yelled back and Pansy's and Ginny's jaw dropped. They knew that voice. "I forgot my sweater yesterday and I need it." Draco said and walked into the living room, not noticing that Ginny and Pansy were there and kissed Hermione's cheek. 

"Uhmm, Draco.." Hermione said and pointed over at the two gaping girls. "I'm not alone." 

"Oh.." Draco said, slowly turning around. "Hello Pans, Ginny." 

"Are you two together?" Pansy asked looking at the couple who slowly nodded. "Aww. How cute!?" Pansy squealed.

"That's why you didn't want a blinddate." Ginny stated. 

"Sit down." Pansy ordered and Hermione and Draco sat down next to each other. 

"So, tell me everything." Ginny said this time. "How long have you been together?"

"Three months." Draco answered. 

"And you never told us?" Pansy asked. "Why not?" 

"We wanted to see if it'd work out between us first." Hermione replied. "We wanted to tell you but decided that it was better if we kept us a secret for a while." 

"Are you two in a serious relationship?" Ginny asked. 

"It's a bit early to say that but yeah I guess it is." Draco answered, smiling at Hermione. "I mean I really like Mione." 

"Aww." Pansy and Ginny squealed. 

"Any more questions?" Draco asked. 

"Uhmm no I don't think so." Pansy replied.

"Great!" Draco exclaimed. "Hermione, wanna come over to my place tonight?" 

"Yeah sure." Hermione answered her boyfriend. "I'll bring the movies." 

"Fine. I have to meet Blaise now. See you later." Draco said and apparated to Blaise's after giving Hermione a quick kiss. 

"Aww! You two are so cute together!" Pansy squealed. "Have you introduced him to your parents yet?" 

"Yes, I have." Hermione replied. "They love him." 

"And do you love him?" Ginny asked excitedly. 

"I guess I do." Hermione answered and the girls squealed again. 

Hermione's and Draco's secret was not really a secret anymore. Their friends had finally found out and soon everyone else had found out too. Draco had told Hermione he loved her a couple days later and they decided to come out in public too. They had never been happier. 

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