Muggle school reunion

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Today I have a reunion from the school I went to before I found out I was a witch. All my classmates were horrible to me. I had some 'friends' but they just hung out with me because they wanted me to do their homework. Luckily, my boyfriend is coming with me to the reunion. I know for sure that all the girls are going to hit on him so that's why he's coming a few minutes later than me. We want to be it a huge surprise. 

I walked through the door and I heard a few gasps and whispers like 'who is that' and 'she's beautiful'. I just smirked and walked towards the bar when I saw my 'old friends' Lauren and Maddie. "Hello girls."

"Hello, who are you?" Maddie asked politely. She was wearing a short pink dress which came barely past her butt and a very low v-cut causing to show much of her cleavage. Her whole face was smeared with make-up and she had a fake orange tan.

"You don't remember me?" I asked with a fake smile. "We had math and French class together. I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger." 

"You're Hermione!?" Lauren asked in shock. "What happened to the bushy-haired and bucktooth know-it-all?" 

"Puberty hit a little late, I guess." I shrugged. 

"So, what are you up to nowadays?" Maddie asked me. "Working in a library or something?"

"No, I'm not." I smirked. "I'm actually founder of HJG clothing company, CEO of Malfoy enterprises and I volunteer at the hospital from time to time. What are you two up too? Do you two work or something?"

"Impressive." Lauren replied. "We're trying to make it as a model. I'm currently dating Jack Cooper. You might remember him. You had a huge crush on him." 

She waved her boyfriend over and smiled smugly. "Hello babe, look who I found. You remember Hermione Granger, don't you?"

"How could I forget her?" Jack answered and snickered. "I'll never forget the bucktoothed bookworm."

"Be nice, baby." Lauren said to him. "We don't want to act like we hate her." 

"And you Maddie?" I asked while Jack was eyeing me. "Jack, stop looking at my breasts."

"If you have any." Maddie muttered. "I'm dating such a hot man. He's very rich and so handsome. You might know him. His name is Draco Malfoy. He owns a bunch of hotels, fashion stores and law firms."

"How interesting?" I smirked. "How long have you been dating him?" 

"Eight months." She replied. "He proposed to me last week."

"Oh my god!" Lauren shrieked. "You didn't even tell me." 

"Where's your ring?" I asked. 

"We're dating in secret at the moment. Otherwise I'll have to deal with all the Paparazzi too." Maddie answered. "We're going to look for a ring together. He only wants the best for me. Any luck in your love life, Hermione?"

"Probably not." Lauren snickered at the thought of me having a boyfriend.

"I have a boyfriend for a little more than three years." I replied smugly. "We met at the private school and basically hated each other till our seventh year. In our seventh year we were both made heads and we called a truce. A short while after that we started dating and we've been together ever since. We've been talking about marriage too lately."

"Where is he?" Lauren asked. "So ugly he didn't want to show his face?" 

"And what's his name?" Maddie added.

"He'll be here in a few minutes. He had to park his car." I replied and smirked. "I'll introduce you to him in a few seconds." 

Lauren was about to say something when Maddie shrieked. I turned around and saw my lovely boyfriend. I was about to walk towards him when I was shoved aside by Lauren and Maddie. 

"Baby!" Maddie squealed. "You made it." 

She went over to him to kiss him but he was busy shoving off the girls which were almost straddling him. I laughed at the sight. "Can you please get off me? I have a girlfriend." 

"Drakie." Maddie squealed again and kissed him. I walked over to where my ex-friend was kissing my boyfriend because I didn't like everyone touching what was mine. 

"What are you doing?" Draco asked Maddie. "I have a girlfriend."

"I'm your girlfriend silly." Maddie replied and batted her eyelashes. "Do you want me to introduce you to my friends?" 

At that moment Draco found me and shot me a pleading look. "Get off me." He snarled. "I never even met you." 

"But why are you here then?" Lauren asked confused. "You weren't in our class." 

"My girlfriend invited me to this reunion." 

"But we know everyone's significant other." Maddie pouted. "Who are you dating then?"

Draco walked towards me and pecked me. "That'd be Hermione." 

He wrapped an arm around me and I smiled at him. "I'm glad you're here. Everyone's horrible."

"You're dating the beaver!l" Maddie shrieked. 'But she's so ugly. Have you ever looked at her hair." 

"Her hair is downright ridiculous in the morning." He snickered until I smacked his arm. "I'm sorry love. I wouldn't want you any different than that. I like your hair the way it is." 

"You're the one to mess it up most of the time, Dray." I protested. 

"We don't want to about your sex life, beaver." 

"Who said I was talking about sex, Lauren?" I asked innocently. 

"Shut up." Maddie snapped. 

"Mione, wanna dance?" Draco asked me and dragged me to the dance floor. 

We started dancing together and everyone started looking at us. All those balls Narcissa held had really payed off. Draco and I danced flawless. Everyone around us kept stepping on each other's feet which made me chuckle. When Lauren and Maddie were nearby Draco kissed me passionate for a minute and whispered just loud enough for them to hear. "You wanna get out of here?"

"Always." I whispered back and kissed him one more time.

Together we ran out of the room hand in hand while everyone was watching us. 

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