Truth or dare

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"Hello class." Dumbledore said. "I know I'm normally your headmaster but we required for all the students to take house-unity classes now the war is over. We want you to tolerate each other and what better way than to make a game out of it. Does anyone have any ideas what we're going to do?" 

"Never have I ever?" 

"Something with veritaserum?" 

"20 questions?" 

"A get to know each other better game?"

"Truth or dare!"

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy. That's indeed what we're going to do." Dumbledore exclaimed. "We'll play in two groups. Half the Slytherins play with half the Gryffindors. The person next to you can ask the truth or dare question. Boys and girls are mixed. Everyone should sit next to someone from the other house. Any other questions?" 

"How do you know if someone isn't lying?" Parvati asked. 

"If you choose truth, you need to sip a drop of veritaserum to answer truthfully. That way everyone knows you aren't lying." 

"But if someone really doesn't want to answer a questions?" Lavender asked. "You know how the Slytherins play this. They always make you do or say dirty things."

"I trust you all not to do something too crazy." Dumbledore said to the Slytherins. "This are the teams: Hermione, Ron, Harry, Lavender, Parvati, Seamus, Ginny and Dean with Draco, Blaise, Theo, Pansy, Astoria, Gregory, Daphne and Millicent. The rest is in the other group. 

"Oh great. We're with the biggest prudes in history." Draco muttered and sat down between Lavender and Hermione. "Please do a little bit dirty questions. I'll not answer to truth questions like 'what's your favourite color' or 'which pet would you like to have?'"

"Fine." Hermione huffed. "We'll just do a mix from that but yes I agree that we don't play with the questions you just listed." 

"Wow, who starts?" Draco asked. "Blaise?" 

"Yes sure." Blaise said and turned towards Ginny. "Weaselette, truth or dare?" 

"I'll do a dare." Ginny replied.

"I dare you to wear my tie for the rest of the day." He said handing Ginny his tie. 

"Sure, that's not that bad." Ginny answered and wore the tie. "Everyone's going to think we slept together and that our ties got mixed up." She smirked, 

"I don't even want to think about that." Blaise expressed. "Please, continue." 

"Parkinson, truth or dare?" Ginny asked the girl next to her.


"Who and when was your first time?" Ginny asked smirking. "Do you need the veritaserum?" 

"No, I can answer this myself. I'm not really ashamed." Pansy replied. "Draco in the beginning of fifth year."

"Ooh Draco." Blaise whistled. "Your first time too, Draco?" 

"No, it wasn't." Draco replied. "Not that this is my question." 

"Fine." Pansy pouted. "Seamus, truth or dare?" 


"Who's your crush?" Pansy asked.

Seamus murmured something but no one understood. 

"What!?" Draco asked. "A little louder please." 

"Pansy." He said and his cheeks turned pink. 

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