Truth or dare

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"Shall we play truth or dare?" Dean asked the Gryffindors on a Friday night. "It's so boring." 

"I'm always in." Ginny replied excitedly. 

"Everyone else too?" Dean asked and everyone nodded.

"We should get other people to play with us." Lavender suggested. "I was thinking about Luna, Malfoy, Parkinson, Zabini and Nott."

"The Slytherins?" Ron cried. "Why on earth should we invite them?" 

"They'd make it a lot more interesting." Lavender elaborated. "Besides, Ginny is dating Zabini." 

"That's true." Hermione said with a small shrug. "I'll go get the Slytherins."

"Do you know the password, Mione?" Harry asked. 

"I do." Hermione replied. "Who's going to get Luna?" 

"Lavender and I'll  bring her here." Ginny said before walking out of the room with Lavender and Hermione. 

Hermione sprinted down the stairs toward the dungeon. When she reached the portrait she had a very short conversation with Salazar and told him the password afterwards. When she entered the common room, only Draco was there with Blaise. 

"Mione, why are you here?" Draco asked before pecking her lips. "I thought you were hanging out with your friends today."

"I am." Hermione replied. "We're playing truth or dare and they wanted to ask if you, Blaise, Theo and Pansy wanted to join. Luna is coming too."

"Of course, we'll come." Blaise answered and winked at them. "I'll get the others. You lovebirds can go already." 

"Thanks Blaise." Hermione thanked her boyfriend's best friend and dragged Draco out of the common room. 

"I missed you." Draco said before pulling Hermione in for a kiss.

"I missed you too." Hermione muttered. "We really should get going." 

"Or we could just not go and make out?" 


Hermione had smacked his arm playfully. "That'll be very suspicious Dray. They know I came to get you and Ginny's starting to get suspicious. She's been asking me about it lately."

"We could always go public, love." Draco replied. "We've been dating for the past six months and I love you. I don't like the looks other blokes are giving you either."

"Fine." Hermione gave in. "I love you too and if someone ask a question like that I won't lie. Otherwise we'll go public on Monday. I'll have to talk to Harry and Ron first about it." 

"That's good!" Draco exclaimed happily. "I can't wait to tell everyone you're mine." 

"You're such a dork." Hermione replied, laughing softly, before kissing him one more time.

Twenty minutes later everyone sat in the Gryffindor common room to play truth or dare. Seamus and Dean had got a couple of drinks from their dorm while Theo brought the veritaserum. "These rules one more time: You have to do the dare or answer the question. If you refuse to do it you'll have to do a forfeit which is probably worse than the actual dare or question itself. You'll have to sip a drop of veritaserum before you answer so we know that you aren't lying." Draco explained. 

"We played this game before, Draco." Theo complained. "We all know how to play."

"I was just refreshing everyone's memory, Theodore." Draco smirked. "Weaselette, want to start?" 

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