Hogwarts reunion

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"Dray, I'm nervous." A 23-year-old Hermione said to her fiancé. "I have no idea how they're going to react." 

"Don't be love." Draco assured her. "I get it why you want to make things better with them again but you have a wonderful group of friends who love you, me and after a couple months a beautiful baby."

"Thanks, ferret. I needed that." Hermione replied and smiled at him as she snuggled closer to her fiancé. "I can't believe we're going to have a miniature version of us running around in a few months." 

"Me neither." Draco said and kissed her nose. "You made me so happy, Herms. You officially gave me everything I ever wanted. I'm really thankful for that." 

"You gave me everything I ever wanted too." Hermione phrased, smiling. "I never thought I'd fall in love with the cocky ferret-boy I loathed during our school years."

"I never thought I'd fall in love with the bushy-haired bucktoothed know-it-all either." Draco added and they both laughed. Draco kissed the girl in his arms passionately before standing up. "We need to go. Blaise, Daphne, Theo and Pansy will be waiting for us." 

"Alright. Lets do this." Hermione sighed before grabbing his hand and apparating away. 

Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry was still the same as it had been the year after the war when the pair had reunited and shared a dorm. They had decided to put their differences aside and call a truce. They eventually became friends and a year after graduation they had admitted their feelings to each other and started dating. About three months ago he had proposed to her and she had accepted. Two weeks later she found out she was pregnant and had told Draco right away. The pair had been overjoyed and couldn't wait till their baby was born. 

"It's still the same after all these years." Hermione said tearing up. 

"Don't cry love." Draco said as he gently wiped her tears away.

"I'm sorry." She replied and shrugged. "Hormones." 

"That's not your fault, beaver." Draco assured. "It's kind of nice to see Hogwarts again." 

"It is." She confirmed. "I want to say hello to Neville and Luna. I haven't seen them for a few weeks. I'll come to you afterwards." 

"I'll be with our friends. See you soon." He said and kissed her once before walking through the doors. 

Hermione walked through the doors a few seconds later and searched the great hall for Neville and Luna. She spotted them near to headmistress McGonnagal.  She had missed her favourite teacher and wanted to talk to her too for a bit. 

"Good evening professor." Hermione greeted them and hugged the old witch. 

"Shush, Hermione." McGonnagall interrupted. "Please call me Minerva. We're all adults now. Besides, I'm not even a professor anymore."

"Of course, Minerva." Hermione replied with a smile. "How have you been?" 

"I'm great. I love the postion as headmistress." The old women answered. "And you? Where do you work now?" 

"I'm great too." Hermione replied, smiling. "I have my own clothing company called HJG clothing with Pansy Parkinson. I'm also CEO of Malfoy enterprises and volunteer at a muggle hospital from time to time." 

"You did wonderful for yourself, dear." Mcgonagall said to her favourite ex-student. "And Pansy Parkinson? How did that happen?" 

"She's one of my best friends." Hermione replied. 

"Ooh house-unity!" She exclaimed happily. "How are Ron and Harry?"

Hermione's smile fell a bit. "I have no idea. I haven't seen them in five years. After Ronald and I split up they chose sides. They all sided with Ron even though the break up was mutual." 

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