Past relationship

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On a rainy Sunday afternoon, the Slytherins and Gryffindor friends decided to hang out together in the head dorms. Hermione had just gone to the bathroom when the friends started a discussion.

"I think I can speak for all, that Draco has the biggest house." Pansy exclaimed which was met by murmurs of approval. 

"Then Zabini." Ginny said. "It's also huge but not as big as Malfoy's." 

"Who's next in line?" Theo questioned, frowning. 

"You?" Pansy guessed. 

"I think so." Theo agreed. "It's bigger than yours and the Gryffindors probably."

"Yes, I think that's true." 

"Granger is after Zabini." Draco said suddenly. 


"Hermione's not that rich." Ron stated. "She owns a regular house at best." 

 Draco burst out laughing at this, everyone looked confused at him.  "Have you seen her house at all? It's huge, not as big as my manor, but it's still very large. She could give you a run for your house Zabini."

"How do you know that about Hermione?" Harry asked as Hermione walked into the dorm again.

"Who knows what about me?" Hermione asked.

"In what kind of house you live." Ron explained. "He's saying your house is bigger than Nott's. Tell him that's no true and that you live in just a regular sized house."

"Uhmm..." Hermione blushed. "Draco was right." 

"You're rich!?" Ginny exclaimed. "Why did you always tell me you didn't have enough money for shopping then?"

"I just don't really like shopping."

"How did you know that?" Harry asked Draco.

"I've been there." Draco replied without thinking. He immediately regretted his words as he said them.

"Why have you been in Hermione's house?" Ginny asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just - you know." Draco stuttered. "I - There was a ...gala my family was invited for." 

"Yeah. A gala." Hermione added. "It was on christmas."

"You two are horrible liars." Blaise smirked. "Now the truth please." 

"Fine." Draco sighed. "Herms and I used to be together." 

"What!?" Ron snapped. 

"Oh my god." Ginny squealed. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner? I've been waiting for this to happen for forever. How long?" 

"We were together for two years." Hermione confessed with a small smile. 

"Wait a second." Ginny interrupted. "You're using past tense. Please tell me you two didn't broke up?" 

Hermione nodded sadly. "We broke up four months ago." 

"Nooo." Ginny and Pansy cried.

"I've been waiting for this moment for forever and now I can't even witness it first-hand." 

"I have a few pictures in my room." Draco confessed. "Do you want me to get them?" 

"Yes!" Pansy nodded eagerly. "Hurry up." 

Hermione smiled at Draco as he walked away. She had no idea that Draco had even kept the pictures of the two of them. Ginny noticed Hermione watching him with a smile and smirked. She was going to get them back together.

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