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      We woke up at 3:30 a.m. to get things ready. We all showered and ate breakfast. After that we got into the car and started heading to Florida. On the way there the guys would alternate driving and right now Dean was driving. Let me tell you, he drives just as crazy as he laughs. Last time I was in a car it was with my sister to get grocieries. Like I said my sister normally took care of me, which meant feeding me?

     We just got onto the highway with Dean still driving Seth was next to him. I was behind Dean and Roman was next to me. He was playing a game on his phone. He noticed me watching him. He held the phone out to me and offered me it. I shook my head no.

      "I don't really know how to work these things" I said tapping the screan of my phone, "and honestly I think I'd rather not."

      "See I'm not the only one who would rather not get sucked into technology, this girl knows were it's at!!!"

      Dean held his hand out for me to high five, I just kinda looked at it. After a minute of staring I just poked it. Dean started to laugh, "Do you not know how to high five?!?!" I thought about that question for a second, "I know how to high five I just like poking better" everyone started to laugh, including me.

      A few minurptes later a was fast asleep and I had the worst nightmare ever.

Alisa's Dream
      I woke up in a dark quite room. I was tied to a chair. My sister was standing in front of me. I begged her to untie me but she wouldn't. Two seconds later my parents show up beside her. The thing is my parent's faces are blank black holes. Rebeca's eyes were dark to begin with but the darkness started to take up her face too. They all started to walk closer to me...
End of Dream

     That's when I woke up, drenched in cold sweat. I collapsed and held my head in my hands. I started to cry. It was like my sister turned into my parents. We were parked at a gas station it was about noon. Roman was till next to me in the car. The door next to me was opened and Dean and Seth were standing in it. Roman was rubbing my back he kept on saying "it's OK baby girl were here" Seth was stroking me hair and Dean was holding a bottle of water, he gave it to me. I took a big sip then handed it back.

      We got back on the road. It turns out the gas station was also a pizza place so we got lunch there and ate in the car. This time Roman was driving Dean sitting next to him and Seth sitting next to me. I was still crying just not as bad. They all kept asking me what was wrong but I always just shook my head.

      I started to cry harder thinking about the dream. Was Rebeca really like my parents? That's when Seth started to hug me and I just couldn't hold it in. I started crying all over his shoulder. He petted the back of my head. Quietly he whispered,

      "Hey its OK let it out, we just want you to be better."

      I ended up falling asleep with my head on his shoulder, this time only dreaming of good things.

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