A Wyatt

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      We were halfway thrpugh the match and thats when i decided to make my move. I looked up at Seth with an apologetic smile on my face. He looked back down at me and nodded.

      I grabbed a mic and got up on the apron. I slowly got into the ring while Dean slid out. Bray gave me a confused look while i moved the mic slowly to my lips. I whispered into it.

      "Bray, I'm a Wyatt now."

      I dropped the mic on the ground. The Shield all came rushing into the ring, beating up Bray. The bell was rung and the match was over, The Shield was disqualified.

      The Wyatts all gathered outside the ring. The Shield was starting to get out of the ring when Dean grabbed my arm, and waved me over torwards him. I looked at him and shook my head no. I got out of the ring and stood by the Wyatts.

      Dean shook his head and joined Seth and Roman over the barricade. Bray started yelling, then he leaned over and kissed my forehead. I would only have to be with these guys for two days, thank God

      Thats the last thing i remebered about that night. Everyrhing after that was just a blur.



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