His Girl

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      I was sittimg on the couch when Dolph walked up to me. He sat down next to me and put his arm around me. My relationship with Dolph was a little weird. I didn't know if he wanted to be friends or more than friends. The next thing he said to me made me figure out what he wanted.

      "So Alisa, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to this cool pizza restaurant where you can make your own pizza, like a date type dinner."

      "Sure, sounds like fun."

      He stood up and held out his hand. I took it and he held my hand all the way down to his car. He opened up the passenger door for me to get in first, then he got in on his side. The car ride wasn't very long.

      When we got to the pizza place we went to the kitchen and started making our own pizza. We put pepperoni and black olives on it. When it was in the oven Dolph turned and looked at me.



      Dolph quickly turned around and grabbed a pepperoni out of a dish behind him. He put it on my nose and then happily said, "Pepperoni!"

      "Dolph, I think you've gone crazy."

      We both started laughing really hard. After our pizza was done Dolph decided that instead of the in resteraunt we should eat out. He took me to a nice opened field type area. It was sunset and there wasnt much snow on the ground but it was still chilly. Dolph and I sat there eating the pizza.

      "Dolph, do you realize that when I join the Wyatt's, I'm gonna have to act like I love Bray?"

      "Yes but its your choice, I'd still love you even if you where Bray's."

      We finished eating pizza then went back to the hotel. I texted my brothers telling them goodnight, then sat down to watch a movie with Dolph. Halfway through the movie Dolph turned to face me and put his forehead to mine.

      "Alisa I do adore you. Will you please be my girl?"

      "Of course I will Dolph."

      He leaned in closer and kissed me. For the rest of the night we snuggled together on the couch and fell asleep.

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