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Alisa's POV

      When we got back to Tue hotel Dolph gave me a hug and a barely noticeable kiss on the check before heading to his suite. We had a few hours before the pay per view and I was doubting my plan about joining the Wyatt's. Now I know that at least one of them are normal. I was surprised that Erick didn't even put up a fight when Roman took me.

      We got into our suite and I plopped down on the couch. Seth walked up to me with his arms crossed over his chest. He didn't seem so happy, and to be honest, Dean and Roman didn't look to thrilled either. Seth spoke up.

      "Is there something going on between you and Dolph?"

      "What do you mean by something?"

      "I mean, are you two dating?"

      "Maybe why would it be such a big deal?"

      Dean spoke up, "I'm gonna take that as a yes. We just don't want Dolph to hurt you."

      I nodded, I stood up and hugged each of my brothers. I went to my room and put my ring gear into my bag so I could change at the arena. The arena was an hour away so I decided that I would get changed there. I walked out with my sports bag and we where all ready to leave.

      We all pilled into the car and started to head off. We listened to loud music and all sang together. We where all pumped up when we showed up at the arena. We all went in and got to our locker room. We had two hours before the show started, but we still all got into our ring gear.

      I decided to go for a walk. I needed to think about what I was going to do tonight, if I was going to join the Wyatt's or ditch the plan. I was walking around hallways carelessly when I ran into someone. I looked up and saw Dolph.

      He smiled and helped me up. We hugged and then both sat down on a crate together. The hallway was dark and no one was around. Dolph looked at me and noticed that there was a worked look on my face.

      "Is it about the Wyatt's?"

      I nodded,"I just don't know if I should still join them or not. I want to destroy them, but I'm just, afraid."

      I looked down, a few tears escaped my eyes and fell onto the crate. Dolph put his finger under my chin. He moved my head up to face his, he wiped the tears off of my face and moved a price of my hair behind my ear.

      "Alisa, you have to be brave."

      He leaned in closer and locked lips with me. I kissed back and moved my hand up his neck and to the back of his head. He held the side of my face. The kiss was gentle and loving. When the kiss was over he held his forehead to mine.

      "Don't just be brave for me and your brothers. Be brave for yourself."

      I smiled and he leaned back in and kissed me. After the kiss we got off the crate and went pour separate ways. I made up my mind, I would join the Wyatt's but only for a week. On Tuesday at the tapping of Friday Night Smack Down is when I would leave the Wyatt's. I would make them turn against each other.

      I walked back to the locker room. I sat down on the couch and ran my hand through my hair. Half an hour until my match and an hour and a half until the Shield's match, when I turn.

       Dean walked up to me and put his arm around me. I leaned into his chest. I was nervous about this plan, but the word brave stuck through all my negative thoughts. Before I knew it, it was time for my match.

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