Stumbling upon some Adam

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I wasnt Adam crazy like all the other splicers well im still not but I know I'll always needed it one way or another. I was always a regular at Fort Frolic like all the others there, just gambling the rest of my life away in an underwater city with ugly ass maniacs running around. Killing each other for 'Adam', a substance that allows you to edit you genetic code. Allowing you to shoot fire at your finger tips, shoot lighting/electricity with the flick of a wrist, and the list goes on. However, the people who've lost their sanity in search for it have also lost their good looks, family and friends, some their jobs, and once again the list goes on. I'm too weak and too sympathetic to take down a big daddy. It makes me feel happy seeing that they protect the innocence in rapture, the little sisters. I strolled down to the Atrium and sat on the steps to the wide staircase.


Hearing alot of gunshots and commotion, (o/c) quietly sneaked up the stairs to see what was going on. Only to find a sobbing little sister next to her what used to be big daddy. "PLEASE GET UP, MR. B!", she cried holding her hands on her face. You slowly walked over to her and said, "Its-" before you could finish a man with light brown hair and a cream colored sweater had swept the girl from her feet. Holding her in one hand he hovered his other over her head and before you knew it the yellow glow in her eyes was gone and he put her down. "Thank you", she said clasping her hands together then running off into another vent. Just as he was about to walk off, you said,"Where are you off too?". He then stopped and turned around for conversation. You then got another glance at his unspliced face. Before he could even speak the service radio hanging from his pocket had said "Hurry now, my patients is a fickle bitch with a very short attention span!!!"


Knowing that Cohen was right, I held my hand out to take her with me. I mean, the fact she was a still alive just shows how tough shes gotta be to live in rapture. Her bright (e/c) eyes quickly scanned me up and down before taking my hand. We then entered a frozen tunnel "Y-you never answered my question", she said shivering at the coldness of the room "Cohen, sent me to kill three men 'round Fort Frolic" I said readying my hand to use incinerate. "Cohen? Sander Cohen?" she said in an astounded voice I nodded in return "So who's the three 'lucky' fellas?" she said lightly kicking a frozen door. "Silias Cobb, Hector Rodrigez and-" I stopped and studied the door, then turned around. I walked a bit forward and found a secret room, before I could reach the end of the room things got cold... really cold...

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