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Hello readers! Welcome to my 'new' project. I'm converting an old... old story from third person to first. I'm also trying to improve it as I go but I'm not sure how much I'll have time to really change much beyond the perspective. It's never been on Wattpad before, or anywhere for that matter, and it's time to stop letting it collect dust. Virtual dust? It's time to let it be seen I guess.

I can't promise regular updates but since I'm just converting an already written story it shouldn't be that hard for me to put out occasional chapters. I think. That's my theory anyway haha. This will not affect Wylde Wednesday or the last few chapters of Dirty Lying Wolves. Those will all post as per usual.

Feedback is very much appreciated. I'm not sure how much my writing voice may have changed since I wrote this, but at its core it's definitely got some of my favorite things in it. I hope you like it!

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