Chapter Twenty Five

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The Muses dressed me, and I could do little more than let it happen and try not to cry on the fine fabrics. Dirk was the one who found me in the ruins of our old house. I was grateful that he said nothing, the old rogue just picked me up and put me on my feet before walking us out of there. But not back to the Dragon, not yet. He wisely took me to Orchid, and the Muses took over.

I don't know if I ate anything, I do remember bowls of easy food appearing before me. Broth or porridge or something like that. I also remember the drag of a brush through my hair, and the feel of clothes being peeled off and pulled on my body. A whirlwind of faces. The muses, Jexa, Addah even made time to come see me despite how busy her work at the inn was.

I slept, but it was fitful and peppered with bloody dreams. As if summoning my monthly cycle I woke up from one such dream needing to freshen my underthings, cramps now adding physical pain to the pain in my heart. Wonderful.

Today I was provoked out of Orchid's bed by Panther, who told me it was Davery's burning day. I was dressed for the sendoff. My hair was washed and combed, tied in a bun of small braids and curls. They put me in a dark red silk dress at first but I was nearly nauseous at all the blood-colored fabric until they took it away. Finally, they put her me in a deep blue gown that didn't cover my shoulders. But it fit and I wanted to look nice for the ceremony. At some point they got me out of my boots and into matching slippers for the gown. I was clean, my lips were even painted. Someone pulled me towards the door.

Fae drove the cart of horses, Panther sat beside me on the bench, and everyone else climbed in back. The ride was silent. We passed outside the city gates and rode south to the pyre grounds. Spirit's temple was next to the field of stone slabs funeral burnings were held on. There were half a dozen of them around the field, but only one was prepared for use today. The priests had cleaned Davery's body and laid him out on the black stone. I could barely look at it. The empty husk that was full of life just two days ago. Or maybe it was three, I really coudln't tell anymore. It was all a blurr of burning pain.

Jexa was there talking to a Devoted of Spirit, his eyes were red. Bricker and Dirk stood silently by the pyrestone. Graham seemed to have brought Abe and Addah in a small wagon, they couldn't have made the walk otherwise and I knew they didn't own such a cart of their own.

More people were there than I expected to see. I didn't bother getting out of the wagon, but stared at the scene. People the Daggers had helped were there. Marak, the carpenter. Many faces I recognized from Swamp district, neighbors, friends, nearly everyone from our street. Regulars at the Dragon's bar, children Davery used to buy sweets for, he had a soft spot for little girls probably because of raising me. People he fed, clothed, helped. If I wasn't numb all over I might have felt something like appreciation to all the mourners.

"It's time." Jexa had come over. There were dark circles under his eyes and a wearyness I'd never seen on him. Offering a hand, I stared at it a moment. How many times had this very hand helped my brother? Me? The city? I took it. He helped me out of the wagon and we walked together to say the last goodbye. The pyrestone was covered in flowers. Offerings of incense burned all around the field, some people held candles. Everyone wore their best clothes and those who could afford it wore colorful ribbons. A young Devoted of Spirit walked forward and began the farewell song. Everyone joined in, it was a slow song of peace and rest that filled the air and brought fresh tears forward. I sang, it was the first noise I had made since the night Davery died. It was also my goodbye for him, and I put all my love, all my tears, all my heart into it. Jexa's baritone joined in next to me. Panther's soft notes on my other side. Orchid played her lap harp to the tune, a few other instruments were spread through the crowd as well. Davery would have loved it.

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