Chapter Thirty

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"So, you would like to lodge here?" Panther asked.

"Yes, please. I will work, I'll do the chores, I can even pay rent. But this is closer to the castle, until I find my own apartments."

I spoke with Panther over breakfast, other curious muses watching the exchange. I thought I would be gone from here. I was so sure before I left for the castle, but after offering my loyalty to Rorik, this was now the best part of Unays for me to live in while being able to walk to the castle and still afford the rent.

"Well, I don't see why not. You don't eat much and Orchid has seemed better for having you here. No need for rent but if you can care for the horses, ride them brush them feed them clean the stables. That takes up the most time for us. Could you do that?" Panther asked.

The offer was definitely in my favor, and the crafty old muse knew it. "Thank you, Panther. I promise it's just until I can find rooms of my own." Preferably rooms not owned by one of the councilmen.

"You really can't go back to Addah and Abe?" Panther asked quietly.

"No," I admitted. "But I really do want somewhere near the castle. Lights district is much more central to where I need to go right now anyway."

"Alright then. You can start today. After lunch Moon and Star can show you how we care for them and where all the tools are.  Today would be their turn to do it, so it can be a last day for them and a first day for you with help." Panther said.

"Thank you," I said again. "I have an errand to run, but I should be back well before lunch."

"Be safe." Panther said, taking the breakfast dishes to the kitchen.

Wearing my inconspicuous skirts, tunic, and boots, I felt more myself than I had in days as I went out the door in high spirits. The road to the castle was crowded with nobles who had slept off their feast and were finally traveling home. Walking against the flow of people slowed me down but I made it to the gates by the tenth bell. Captain Pettypiece was at the gates, watching the crowd with sharp eyes. I want to say I saw him before he saw me, but I'm pretty sure I didn't as the moment I came into view he nodded my way.

"Is there news for your uncle?" I asked, keeping to the same story I used the first time.

"Yes, here you are." He pulled a small package from his tunic and handed it over. "Keep it safe." He looked down his crooked nose at me, not letting go of his side of the package right away. My eyes grew wide with his intensity. It was nearly a threat of 'don't disapoint the prince' and it sent a chill down my spine.

I took her small bundle and went back to Panther House. The curiosity was getting under my skin, but I wouldn't risk opening it on the streets. Finally back, I ran up to Orchid's room and landed on the bed.

The small package was mostly flat but a hard lump rose in the middle. I broke the wax seal, a bear on his heind legs and three stars around him. The royal crest of the third prince. I opened the parchment and out fell a bronze ring with an inverted design similar to the bear with three stars, but the head of the bear faced the other direction. I unfolded the parchment and looked down at the letter. It was a jumble of random letters at first until I realized he had written in the same cypher Davery did. I had to think to remember what the code word was and rolled my eyes when I remembered it was 'Ladymaid'. I got out some charcoal from downstairs where Panther does the bookkeeping and began to translate.


      This is a slightly varied copy of my own heraldic ring. It can get you into the palace on my business. It will also work as a seal for sending me a letter. Don't use it often or I fear you will draw the wrong kind of suspicion to yourself, but use it if you have the need. Your brother had a love for the people of the city, I believe you do too or at least you want to carry on his work. This we have in common and for whatever reason I trust you. Thank you for your honesty and your help. Wander the city, keep an eye on the properties who's rents raise. Listen to the people, especially those who feel they need to speak in hushed tones. Meet with me in one week's time in the library at the first bell after midday. Tell no one of our connection, G has ears everywhere.

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