Chapter Ten

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It was still early morning when I reached out and rang the bell at the elegant gate in Green district. Green, being the most quality entertainment and eating house district in all of Unays. Despite its border with Swamp, it was a short travel from many of the higher districts like Jewel and Garden where only the wealthiest in Unays could afford to live.

The bell sounded and Sly stepped back, waiting and trying not to look so out of place in my worn tunic and mud-caked boots. Luckily, it wasn't in the nature of Green district to be awake before midday. Most of the activities of the area were meant for the evening and into the late hours of the night.

The door opened to a sleepy but intrigued Panther. The tall Muse let her sharp golden eyes roll over me, and I shivered under her gaze. Even for a Muse, Panther seemed to have one foot in the realms of the gods and one here in the mortal world with the rest of us. She must really be prized by Bliss. A girl forsakes her true name, and is given a new one upon entering a House of Bliss, goddess of grace, the arts, and women. Panther was named for her fierce eyes of the southern predators, and she was named correctly.

"Sly, have you decided to join our happy house?" Panther crooned, tucking a lock of my hair behind an ear. She leaned in closer and whispered. "Or are you here with news of our guest from the other night?"

Guest? Oh. Bricker.

"Actually, Panther, I was hoping to visit Orchid." I smiled. "But I can tell you that our guest is recovering well and his purpose in Unays was not malicious."

"I am pleased to hear it. And of course you may come see your friend." Panther stepped back, opening the door wider. "If Orchid does not wake easily, you have my full permission to wake her however you see fit. I am pleased our guest is well, send Davery my thanks. for the work he does. That you all do for Unays."

"I will." I ducked her head, blushing at the gleam in the Muse's eyes and headed for the stairs.

 Of the six Muses in Panther's house, their leader was the most cunning. The fact that she could see past the muddied exterior and pluck Orchid from Swamp for her house was proof enough of that. Not everyone would have done the same, no matter how suited Orhchid is to serve Bliss. 

Orchid joined as her father joined the army, but we all knew she would have ended up here eventually. It's not a wonder the patron goddess of grace and arts would take a liking to the little diamond from Swamp.

Here, Orchid thrived. Her natural grace, her beauty, trained and polished. Her skills in music, poetry, and dance honed to perfection. Even the art of company and conversation was a part of the Muses' arsenal of skills. And I know she loved the charity work that the Muses did each month. Under all the polish and shine, Orchid still reminded me of Davery. The same golden hearts.

I reached the top of the ornate stairs and knocked on Orchid's door. I smiled when I was met with a very un-muselike groan.

"Sly..." Orchid drew open her door, letting me inside. "What are you doing here?"

I walked in, taking in her appearance. Bags under her eyes, hair a mess. She must have just woken up if she wasn't polished to perfection yet.

I grinned, and she rolled her eyes.

Orchid took a seat on a red silk ottoman in the middle of her room, displaying the poise of an elegant statue. I flopped onto a cushion beside her. 

"How is our patient?" Orchid asked with a yawn. She ran her fingers through her dischevled hair and grimaced.

"Well enough. He's up and walking anyway." I yawned. "Davery did something stupid again though, and is paying for it with ointment and bedrest. His favorite things."

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