Chapter Thirty Two

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I had all morning to groom the horses. Feed them and walk each one around the block a couple times. That took up half the morning but I still had time to myself, agonizing about getting into the castle. I had kept the ring in a loose floorboard at first, afraid to own something so important and the thought of having it while out in the city made it even worse. It was a little big on my fingers and the only one it really fit was my thumb. I would lose it if I wore it out. Eventually, I broke down and bought a sturdy chain to keep it on like a pendant resting under my tunic.

Finally the noon bell rang through the city. I went downstairs to enjoy a meat filled pastry for lunch with the muses. It was a spicy dish that Panther would make on cold days like this to remind herself of the warm, winter-less seasons in Lolathia. I finished eating and began the walk to the castle, figuring about half an hour to get there and about a quarter bell to get in and up to the library.

The walk was uneventful and as I reached the gates I was surprised to find Captain Pettypiece waiting by his guards. I approached and the captain glanced at me, seemingly uninterested. I flashed him the ring where the guards wouldn't see, though by now he knew my face fairly well and it was probably unnecessary.

"Oh, that's right. You're here with the prince's delivery?"

Clever, captain.

"Yes, sir."

"This way then." He turned briskly saluting his gate guards who saluted back. We entered the gate and went through the front gardens. Through the castle doors with another set of guards and wound through the maze of hallways to the second floor library. Captain Pettypiece stayed this time and I wasn't sure whether to be nervous about that or not. I suppose we were somewhat working toghether now. Should I think of him as I think of Dirk? Jexa? Graham? That might be asking a bit much, but maybe in time it would come easier. 

The prince was in the chair I found him in during the Harvest festival reading a book. Pettypiece cleared his throat and bowed.

"Ah, on time. Good. We won't stay here, but I knew you could find this room. I'm going to show you to the room I've recently taken up as my private offices and study. This is new to you too, isn't it, captain?" Rorik closed his book and stood up.

He wore palace finery and looked very good in it. Maybe it was the ease with which he let himself be draped in silks and jaquards, things that I would be uncomfortable wearing just because of the price of them. Another marker of the stark difference between a prince, and a girl from the slums. Even the captain wore the purple and gold of the castle guards. I tilted my chin a bit highter, telling myself I was unbothered by both my clothing and my origins.

"It is, Rorik," Pettypiece replied, '"I'm looking forward to it."

So, he was on first name terms with the prince as well. Was this forever going to be a code to know who was loyal to Rorik or not?

"This way then." Rorik turned not where I expected him to towards the door, but instead he went deeper into the library. We wound around shelves and columns into the less illuminated reaches. I had no idea how large the library actualy was, I never strayed from the wide main aisle with carpet running down the center. I quickly judged it to be bigger than Panther House and its surrounding yard. Rorik stopped at a shelf next to a statue of Sage with a cat around his feet. The cat struck me as an odd choice of companion for the god of wisdom and strategy, since the cat was usually Shadow's. But I figured out the combination quickly as Rorik pushed the shelf aside.

"Shadow smiles." I grinned as Rorik lit a candle and led us through a doorway behind the shelf.

"Blade's hilt," Pettypiece murmured.

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