Chapter Thirty Seven

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The ballroom was decorated in purples, grays, and silvers. The dance floor was well-lit, but the edges of the room where the tables were for those not dancing were in low candlelight and laden with late-blooming flowers. You couldn't have a night for Shadow if there was too much light, it ruined the bit of mystery if you could figure out who was behind a mask. There were attendants serving wine and candied fruits on ornate golden trays. No one was in any particular order. Some were standing, some were sitting and socializing, a few had already begun to dance to the orchestra's slow seduction.

The atmosphere was overwhelming. The perfumes in the air made my eyes water. The masks drawing the eyes all around the room, not really pausing on one face before being drawn to the next.

I watched the dancers in awe, it was beautiful and disgusting at the same time. The excess, the money they put into this one single night while bellies went empty in Swamp and Hammer and Docks. The money I put into it disgusted me too. I was as guilty as the rest of them, spending lavishly on a dress and mask when I could have fed a dozen families in Swamp. Well. For weeks.

Davery's dagger burned against my skin where I'd hidden it. This was all for him and the people he lived his life helping.

Still, I had to turn from the scene.  My hands itched, the hairs on my neck stood up, I was so uncomfortable in my own skin in this place and I soon found myself walking onto the large balcony. Air, air was good. Focus, and find the target.

I could watch the moons overlap from here, the palace was an elevation of Unays up on the cliffs that was such a sharp contrast to any views from Swamp. The night's sky was beautiful, a glowing silver veil of Shadow's tricks. Up here I could enjoy a sight someone from Swamp should never see, and keep an eye out for Girault at the same time. The ballroom was still wide open behind me, and I turned to lean against the balcony rail to sweep the room. I didn't see the master of secrets here yet, but I did see some other interesting figures.

Mason. The Prince General wore his military regalia, looking splendid and clad in white and gold. I was interested to note how he didn't cover himself in jewelry like most Coins. It was almost a compulsion, the moment someone was granted a title or land they began dripping in gold and jewels. Even Rorik wore a piece or two worthy of his status, likely at the nagging of his mother, but it would seem his militant brother did not have any such desires. He had a very plain white mask that didn't hide much of his face, though that may be a lot of the reason I was able to recognize him. I got the feeling he wasn't much for frivolity and this night didn't suit him. That, at least, I could appreciate.

Crown Prince Braeton danced with Princess Nadia, they wore matching gold and purple and their love was nearly tangible. A good sign for the future rulers of Unays to be in love, I suppose. Queen Everith sat with her granddaughter Rosalie, sneaking her sweets. They were wearing matching swan masks and looking so happy. For all the solemn months she spent in her rooms it would seem the Queen was finally getting her vigor back with the returning family members.

The muses were mingling all over the room, I recognized them each by their dresses. Of course, they would be popular. Star and Moon chatted with a young man in a striking blue mask. Panther and Fae along with a few other muses and temple maidens of other faiths were talking with the high priest of Hearth. River was surrounded by several young men, though I knew she'd rather be left alone as was her nature. Her training must have done her well, because she didn't look it. Orchid was near the dance floor, several young men and a couple ladies around her. When my eyes slid just a few steps to the left, I was beyond pleased to see a jealous Aulrie tapping her foot near what was presumably her date. She wore a glass mask, completely see through and completely pointless. She missed the point of a mask and probably the point of Shadow's night entirely.

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