Chapter Thirty Six

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I sat in the main room at Panther House having my hair brushed out and pinned up. I had already put on a dark red dress with silver accents in the form of threads of tiny vines at the seams. The sleeves were tight on my upper arm, but comfortable and the waist had a band that allowed me to hide small items and a pair of knives. Masks and dark colors, secrets and whispers. This, was the nature of Shadow's Ball.

There would be masked people all over the city tonight, getting into parties, invited or otherwise. It was one of the little mischiefs one could expect on Shadow's night. It was also getting cold, however, so most activities were indoors. There may not be piles of snow in a Unayan winter like there were up north, but it often chilled enough for a light snow and thanks to the constant rainfall and mud, ice was a hazard. That, at least, was still a few moons off.

Moon and Star finished my hair while Fae put lip paint on, much to my protest at the taste and smell of it. All the Muses were preparing to go to one event or another. Even on a night in celebration of another goddess, it would be wise to invite the Muses of the city to a ball. Bliss would still watch over the dancing

"Sly?" Star gasped. "When were you marked?"

"I haven't been." Turning my head to frown at her, the attention drew the others over.

"That wasn't on your neck last time I played with your hair," Moon said. Orchid lightly touched my neck just behind and below my left ear.

"Stop that, it's been itching for the last few days," I snapped.

"I bet it has, you have a cat on your neck," Panther mused. Just a shade darker than the rest of your skin.

"A cat?" My fingers flew to the skin that had been bothering me. "A . . . cat."

"A Very fitting mark. I think we all know who has claimed you for their court." Fae laughed.

Shadow take me. I could feel my face draining of warmth.

"Think, Sly, when could it have happened?" Panther asked. "It would have been subtle. That's her style."

"The market," I whispered. "Oh, the market," I groaned.

"This morning when you bought bread?" River asked.

"No, a few days ago when I bought my mask. The girl at the counter said she could pick one out special for me. She brushed that part of my neck and it's been itchy since then."

"Does it itch now?" Panther asked.

"No, it doesn't," I replied with surprise.

"I imagine it won't, now that you've found out her game," Fae said with a grin.

"Great, of all the gods I'm the plaything of the mischief." But I wasn't mad, not really. It was just . . . surprising. And new, still a very new thought, I didn't know Shadow even marked her followers.

"Welcome to the family," Orchid teased, slinging her arm around my shoulders. "Now, let's get you to your patron's ball."

"Oh, yes," Star chimed in. "There's no excuse for you to ever miss a Shadow's night again."

"Ugh." I sighed, to much laughter around the room, and then a dozen hands descended on me to finish getting me ready.


Orchid had a yellow mask and dress that looked more golden in the low light and tones suited to Shadow's night. Panther wore a black lace mask and a pewter dress that I thought must have been made to fit Panther and no one else in the world, it was so gorgeous. Fae had a green dress and a leather mask with gems decorating the eyes. Moon had a mask like an owl and Star had one like a fox. They didn't wear identical dresses this year, though they were both a deep blue. River wore a purple mask and carried a matching feathered fan, her dress was hues of purple and blue that got darker as the eye fell to the bottom hem. They all looked so lovely by the time I was dressed that I felt very plain next to them despite all the work that went into my unruly hair and terrible posture. But the prince wanted me at the palace ball of all places, so there I would be. It was a good opportunity to watch Girault when he may feel safe enough to meet with conspirators again, at least.

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