Chapter 4: Wrong

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"Alright! Partner up we're gonna do some sparing!" My father yelled.

Everyone started picking people to partner up with while I stayed where I was standing.

"Partners?" I heard a deep voice ask from beside me. I looked over and rolled my eyes when I saw Colby.

"What about Liliana?" I asked him.

"What about her?"

I rolled my eyes again. "Partners."

Everyone worked on sparing for a little while until doing our exercises.

"Nervous for your date tonight?" I ask Colby as I sat next to him.

"Wow you came over to me this time. Does that mean your warming up to me?" Colby jokingly asked me.

"No luck Brock." I stood up and walked away as he laughed.

As I dried my hair with a towel, I walked to Colby's room. He was standing in front of his mirror buttoning his shirt.

He looked over and smiled at me as I walked over to his bed.

"Do I look alright?" Colby asked as he turned to where I was sitting.

"Eh," I joked making a fake disgusted look and he laughed. He jokingly rolled his eyes before grabbing his leather jacket. I watched as he put it on.

"Well I better get going." He turned to me and smiled.

"Yeah have fun on your date." I smiled at him and followed him out of his room. I watched as he disappeared down the hall before I went back to my own room.

I jumped onto my bed and decided to read until I drifted of to sleep.

"Valerie!" Wake up. We have a meeting."

I opened my eyes to see Ella. "I'm awake!" I laughed. "I'll be down in ten."

She nodded and left my room. I quickly threw on Adidas joggers and a black tank top before heading down stairs.

Everyone was quietly sitting at the long meeting table. I sat in between Alexandria and Tara.

I looked across the table and saw Colby next to Liliana. He whispered something in her ear causing her to giggle. I rolled my eyes and looked to the door as my father walked in and sat at his chair.

"Okay so tonight we will be picking up a shipment of guns. Valerie, Andrew, Brennen, Cole, and Alexandria will be going to the meet up," my father explained. "Elijah, Corey, Kevin, Mike, Julian, Liliana, and Xepher will be sorting the shipment when they come back. The rest of you, go on with your day and I expect some training to be done."

We all slowly left the meeting room and went our separate ways.

Colby stopped me as I headed to my room. "Hey. Sam, Kat, Brennen, Jake, Tara, Corey, and I are all going out to lunch. Want to join us?"

"Who's Corey, Kat, and Jake?" I asked him. I felt bad that I didn't really know the new people.

"Corey has a man bun. Kat is Sam's girlfriend and she has blue hair. Jake has silver and black hair," he told me.

I thought about if I wanted to go for a second before agreeing to go with. I went to my room and quickly got ready.

I left my room and went downstairs to find them all in the living room.

Sam, Kat, Colby, and I went in Colby's car. To be honest I didn't expect him to have a red Toyota Corolla.

Brennen, Jake, Tara, and Corey all went in Brennen's car.

"Where are we going?" I quietly asked Colby halfway through the drive. Sam, Kat, and Colby were talking the whole time while I remained quiet in the passenger seat.

"Chick-Fil-A," he answered.

We arrived at the fast food place and met up with everyone else.

"Hey girl," Tara said as she linked arms with me.


"So how socially awkward were you during the drive?" She jokingly asked.

Tara was one of the only people who really knew me. She was my best friend. Incase you couldn't already tell, I don't let people in.

We all got in line and Colby pulled me up to him. "I'll pay for you. What do you want?"

I tried my hardest not to roll my eyes at him. "Six piece nuggets and a chocolate milkshake." He nodded at me and I went to find a table. Brennen joined me.

"Let's put these two tables together," he told me. I sat next to him as everyone walked over with the food.

Colby sat my meal in front of me before taking the empty seat to the right of me.

"Ooo can I have a drink of your milkshake?" Tara asked me. She was sitting on the other side of Colby.

I smiled at her and passed it over. "Go for it."

"So Valerie," you've been really quiet," Jake pointed out causing everyone to look at me.

I bit the inside of my lip. "Oh yeah I just don't really feel like talking." Everyone just shrugged it off but Colby kept looking at me.

"Your gonna make yourself bleed if you keep picking at the skin around your nails." Colby gently grabbed my hand to make me stop. "You don't have to be nervous around us."

"Just leave me alone." I ripped my hand away from his and went back to eating my food.

"Valerie how old are you by the way?" Kat asked me.

"I'm 17," I told her. Everyone was looking at me again.

"She'll be 18 next month," Tara told everyone.

"She's still the baby of the gang," Brennen said and pulled me into his side.

"Fuck off Brennen." I pushed him away and laughed with everyone.

I ended up feeling more comfortable around everyone as time went on

"We better get back home. We have the shipment in five hours," Tara told us. We all agreed and left.

"Shotgun!" I yelled as I ran to Colby's car. I heard Colby's deep laugh behind me.

We got back to the house at 6pm. Two hours till the shipment.

I took a quick shower when we got home. I put on black ripped jeans and a black tank top with my leather jacket on top. I then put on my black combat boots.

Colby and I walked into the weapons room at the same time.

I slipped a small switch blade into my combat boots. "Ready for you first job?" I asked Colby.

"Yeah I just hope it all goes to plan. Liliana is worried for me." He let out as sigh.

I knew I shouldn't have but I put my hand on his bicep. "You'll be fine Colby. We will all be," I reassured him.

Colby stepped closer and looked down into my eyes. I took a shaky breath when I felt his hands on my hips.

What was I doing? What were we doing? As much as I knew that standing here with him was wrong... I just couldn't pull away.

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