The Package

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I wake the next morning. Everything seems normal. I look over and see a lump in the blankets. I rush over and poke it. Mabel speaks some gibberish and rolls over. He held his side of deal up, I'm surprised. What did he do then..? He always has some trick up his sleeve. Always... Maybe his trick is she won't wake up! I grip her shoulder and shake her. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!" He sits up rubbing her eyes and yawning. "Jerk. It's like, too early. Let me sleep." I roll my eyes and sit down on my bed again. I open the journal and it's back to normal, surprising. Something is definitely off. I get up and leave the room. I get to the stairs and gingerly walk down. I don't even know what time it is. Maybe it is really early... I walk into the kitchen and check the clock. It's like 9, not too terribly early for the summer. I guess I will just wake her up since its not too early like she said. I march upstairs again and shake her awake. "Come on Mabel. It's time to wake up" she speaks more gibberish and continues to fight waking up. "Come on!" I nag. "Ugh, fine. What do you want?" She rolls over giving me a very unpleasant glare. "Are you alright?" She sighs and sits up. "What do you mean am I alright?" She scratches her head, completely confused. Her hair is a disaster, it's really hard not to laugh. "Did you not get kidnapped by Bill?" She stands up shocked. "No! Why what happened?!" She flops down on the bed next to me. "You didn't... make a deal with him did you?" I shift my glance to the floor. "I did... Nothing seems different though! Everything is back to normal!" I say trying to bring some thing positive into this conversation. "Alright. Just, keep your eyes open for anything super weird. Okay?" I nod and we walk downstairs. A knock on the door startles Mabel and I. I walk over to the door and open it. A mailman? "Uh, delivery for... a Dipper Pines?" I nod and grab the package. "Thanks?" I mumble confused. I close the door and look at the package. There isn't a return stamp... strange. "What's that?" Mabel asks curiously peeking her head out of the kitchen. "It's a package.. for me?" We meet in the living room and I begin to open it in the floor, as she sits close by. I peel back the clear duct tape from the small box. I open the flaps to reveal another box and a letter. I clear my throat and read...

Dear Pinetree,
I hate you. Our little deal didn't work out. She came back before you let me out of the dreamscape. Honestly, I hoped for a little more time before she returned so we could actually do the deal, but you know... things happen. The little box that accompanied this letter is for you and your sister. I'll just let curiosity kill you two, because I don't want you to open it.
Your friendly neighborhood demon,

"Why did he send a package instead of telling us?" Mabel questions for over my shoulder. "Maybe he wanted to make sure we got the small box too?" This is all too strange. I hate Bill so much, what would make him give us something? "Maybe it's something really bad in the box that he sent it to us so it could hurt us?" Mabel shakes her head no. "I think he'd rather that he killed us instead of this box. He did say not to open it." I hold the small box in my hands. I give it a slight shake but I can't hear anything. "I'll go put it up in our room." I walk upstairs and careful place it in my nightstand. I have no idea why he'd think we'd open it. We have no reason to and we don't trust
him. I walk back downstairs and sit back down next to Mabel. "Bill has terrible handwriting." She laughs a little as she read the letter quietly. "Well, at least we found the strange thing quickly?" We laugh for awhile and go back to our room. The rest of the day is pretty normal, or as normal as you get every other day in Gravity Falls.

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