The Woods

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I walk out out of the house with Mabel skipping happily next to me, across the yard and into the woods. Ready for any adventure to come our way. Ready to face things we will have difficultly fighting but we'll successfully beat while finding out the secrets of this town! Ready to figure this out. We reach a small house and I frantically search the journal in case it's some spooky ghost house or it eats children. Nothing shows up so we sneak up to the window and peek in. "Empty." Mabel whispers disheartened. "Let's keep going then." I reply as we sneak away back into the forrest. I keep thinking that we could solve a mystery today but I have the feeling we won't find any to solve. The path we follow comes to a split and we glance at each other, pondering possible outcomes. We could split up, stay together, or go home. "Split?" She says laughing. "Nah. Let's go together so we don't get lost." I answer back jokingly. We share a good laugh and we start to part ways. "Actually, Mabel? Come with me. I wasn't completely kidding about one of us getting lost." We walk back to the part where it splits and she's laughing hysterically. "Why? Are you scarrrrrrreeeedd?" She asks mocking me and making faces. "No! I feel it would be safer so we could lessen the chance of one of us getting lost or hurt." I argue. She continues to giggle and make silly faces at me. "Nah, I'd rather get lost then stay with you ya big baby." She jokingly mocks. "I'm serious Mabel! Just come with me!" She turns and heads down her path. "Fine! It's not my fault if you get lost!" I shout after her, beginning down my path. My path ends quickly at a fallen tree across the path. I could climb over but I don't really feel like scaling the side of this huge tree. I turn and walk back down my path to where they split. "Mabel!" I call out down her side of the fork in the path. Nothing. Maybe she can't hear me? I walk down her path slowly, following the muddy footprints she left down the path. I look around, admiring the scenery. Her path is so much nicer than mine was. "Mabel?!" I call out again. Nothing. "How far could she have gone in such a sort amount of time?" I mumble to myself quietly. The path ends at a large pond or a small lake of some sort that I don't think I've ever seen before. "Mabel?" I yell out again with high hopes, I hear my voice echo across the lake. Nothing. Maybe she went home? Yeah, she probably got tired and just went home before she reached the end. I don't see any footprints down here anyway. I walk back down the path and out of the woods. Stan is sitting in the porch reading some magazine. "Hey, kid! Find anything interesting?" He asks seeming to not completely care. "Oh yeah definitely, I saw some bear with 8 legs eating dinner with a unicorn." He looks up shocked. "Just kidding, no I didn't see anything." We laugh as I walk inside the house. "Mabel?" I yell. "What are you yelling about in there kid?" Grunkle Stan yells from the porch. "Did Mabel come back yet?" I reply loudly. There is a pause followed by a no. "How long were we even gone for?" I yell back, as I walk towards the porch door. He looks up at me, checking his watch. "About 16 minutes, why?" I shrug and walk upstairs to Mabel and I's room. She'll be back soon. I bet she just got a little lost like I said she would. She knows the woods almost as good as I do. She'll find her way out. Ugh, Mabel you really test my patience with you though. You'd be sitting over there on your bed playing with waddles if you just would of came with me instead of wandering off by yourself. I open the journal and jot down some notes about the "walk" we just had and anything that seemed different at all. I saw some cool glowing mushrooms I might need to check out later for a journal entry but nothing too major to write down. It feels like days pass as I sit patiently for her to burst in upset about me ditching her in the woods or something. I work out every argument we could possibly have as she enters. Eventually I doze off while waiting.

I wake up about an hour later, slowly wiping the sleep out of my eyes. I yawn as I sit up in bed, glancing over at Mabel's bed. I see a lump under the covers. I guess she came in and saw me taking my nap and decided to take one herself. I slide down the stairs and shuffle into the kitchen where Stan is standing at the over cooking. "Hey Grunkle Stan." I mumble, sitting at the table. "Just in time. Have a nice nap there kid?" He asks sarcastically. "Yeah, why?" He shrugs and hands me a plate of tacos or whatever. I'm too tired still to even figure it out. They kind of look like tacos but they also look like burritos... We sit at the table and eat our burrito tacos, not really talking to each other. Mabel generally starts the conversations. "So... How was your adventure in the woods?" He asks, breaking the silence. "It was alright, I guess." We finish the meal silently and I drop my plate in the sink. I head upstairs and flop down in the bed, journal in hand. I look over again and the lump shuffles. "Hey!" I whisper across the room. She doesn't say anything so I turn off the light and read the journal with my flashlight for awhile.

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