The Axe

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-violent and slightly gruesome content ahead-
I followed her deep into the woods to a small clearing of cut down trees. She finds a stump and places a piece of paper on it, gesturing for me to read it. "Bill have me this,, we needed to get away so you can read it where nobody could ever see it other than you." I cautiously approach the paper on the rotted stump.

Dear Shootingstar,
My deepest regret is to tel-

A pain fills my body. I reach down to where the pain is worst and grab the handle of the axe sticking out of me. I feel weak and crumble to my knees, my eyes flood with tears as I look up towards my sister who stands there quietly watching me... "Why?"

<Mabel's Pov>
Dipper! No! It's not me! Why canny you hear me? Why can't I do anything? Bill.
You called shootingstar?
Why would you make me kill him? He didn't do anything to you!
True, but you did and I thought watching your brother die was good enough punishment. I also hate you guys.
I-I don't know what to say...
You say nothing. We should leave before I get you caught. We can't have that, we have to kill Stanford too!
The walk home was excruciating. All I was thinking about was poor Dipper. I'd try to ignore it, but then Bill would make me think about it again. I tried to hope that somehow he'd survive, but I doubt it. He deserv- Bill stop! I don't need you doing this to me! It's bad enough you made me kill him then watch, but now your trying to make me think it was a good idea to kill him? What is wrong with you? Why are you so cruel?
I think it's fun!
I realize Bill still has me holding the axe. Is he going to use the same one to kill Grunkle Stan? That greedy so- No. Stop I can't take this Bill, I want you out! Where is my side, huh? My 'special powers' or whatever you promised me?
Your special powers are the power of being forced to watch your family die!
Worst power ever. I expected like maybe a force field or invisibility. That would of been cool. I just wish Dipper wasn't dead... He makes me stop in front of a tree. What now? The ground shakes as the bunker stairs open. We walk down the stairs and he makes me sit on the bed. He appears in front of me. "Well, well, well. Looks like I changed my mind. I'll just kill him myself to see his blood on my actual hand would feel much better than influencing your thoughts so you actually do it yourself is less fun. Have fun!" He floats through the curling as the stairs fold back into the wall. I'm trapped and there is no escape I know of. I'm trapped and everything that happened is my fault...

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