The Glass Flower

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Mabel's POV

We laid down in our beds after the long day with that package and all. I knitted Waddles a new sweater with a little heart on it. It's totally adorable. I eventually get lost in my thoughts about the package and drift off to sleep.

I wake up in the middle of a large dark room. I look around but all I see is darkness. Where am I? A dim glow emits from the floor in the shape of a eye. Just great... The room flashes suddenly and the stupid demon dorito appears before me. "Well, well, well. Howdy Shootingstar! Long time no see?" He says floating around me and poking me with his yellow cane. "What do you want Bill." He snickers and comes down beside me. "Well, I just want you to open the box." The room falls silent. "No. How could I trust you after you just tried to trick Dipper?!" I yell, pushing him away. "We did break the deal so nothing happened. I hate breaking deals." What if he's being serious and there is something important in there, but there is the risk it's super bad too. "You know I can hear you?" He mutters through his laughs. "Dream demon remember? We are in you dream." He goes back to revolving around me. "Why do you want me to open the box?" I say sternly. "Well, it was a present." He comes in close, leaning on his cane. "Wait. You said not to open it!" He pauses and thinks for a second. "Oh yeah! I sent the letter to Dipper and the box to you. I didn't want him to open it!" He says happily. Something is very off here... "I can still hear you." He mocks. "Stop listening then!" I yell, infuriated. "Fine, I'll ope-" I sit upright in bed. Tears drip down my face as I slowly get up and grab the box from Dipper's nightstand. I collapse back on my bed and inspect the small box, now tied with a yellow ribbon with a pin of a the same imagine on my rainbow shooting star sweater. Is this why he calls me "Shootingstar"? I pull the end of the ribbon and the neat bow falls apart. I pull the top of the box off and stare at small glass flower. I gently pick it up and glaze at the brilliant colors reflecting off of the flower. "'s... beautiful." I whisper quietly into the silent room. I gently place it down on my nightstand and fall back asleep.

...we came so far, yet with one mistake I throw it all away...

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